Is the social inclusion of the workforce
in Colombia unsustainable? *
inclusión social de la fuerza laboral en Colombia. ¿En contravía de lo sostenible?
A inclusão social da força de
trabalho na Colômbia. É isto contrario do sustentável?
E. Contreras**
C. Pedraza Avella***
Herrera Gómez****
Research article
Date of
reception: 3 sep 2014
Date of approval: 25 jun 2015
This article
demonstrates, through the analysis of official data, that
in Colombia there are considerable differences regarding the social inclusion
of the employees of the productive system, based on a framework that takes into
account employment quality as part of a comprehensive understanding of business
sustainability and the object of social responsibility policies. The conclusions
reached demonstrate that the most excluded of people hold inferior quality
employment which shows the job instability that exists in the country. This
situation suggests that the Colombian business community needs a systematic
review of its sustainability policies, particularly in relation to the type of
employment it is providing, considering that work is a highly influential
aspect in a person’s life.
Keywords: sustainability,
corporate social responsibility, employment, social exclusion, social
inclusion, job instability.
JEL: I3, J0, L2,
Teniendo en cuenta la calidad del empleo como parte del
concepto integral de sostenibilidad empresarial, el presente artículo demuestra
a través del análisis de datos oficiales, que en Colombia se presentan
diferencias considerables en cuanto a la inclusión social de los empleados de
su sistema productivo. Las conclusiones obtenidas evidencian que los más
excluidos poseen empleos de inferior calidad, como muestra de la precariedad
laboral presente en el país. Esta situación indica que la revisión sistemática
de sus políticas de sostenibilidad constituye una necesidad para el
empresariado colombiano, particularmente en lo relacionado con el tipo de
empleo que está brindando, considerando que el trabajo es un aspecto altamente
influyente en la vida de los individuos.
Palabras clave: sostenibilidad, responsabilidad
social empresarial, empleo, exclusión social, inclusión social, precariedad
Levando em conta a
qualidade do emprego como parte do conceito integral da sustentabilidade
empresarial, o presente artigo comprova através de uma análise de dados
oficiais, que na Colômbia apresentam diferenças importantes sobre a inclusão
social dos empregados do seu sistema produtivo. As conclusões obtidas mostram
que os mais excluídos têm empregos de qualidade inferior como sinal da
precariedade laboral presente no país. Este tipo de situação permite perceber
que a revisão sistemática das suas políticas de sustentabilidade constitui uma
necessidade para o empreendedorismo colombiano, especificamente com relação ao tipo
de emprego que está sendo fornecido, levando em conta que o trabalho é um
aspecto muito influente na vida das pessoas.
Responsabilidade Social Empresarial. Emprego. Exclusão Social. Inclusão social. Precariedade Laboral.
The production system of a country,
represented by its companies, is considered to be the fundamental pillar of
economic growth. However, it is clear that their actions have not always
brought positive consequences to society. Harmful effects as regards the
environment, the society and even the economy, have meant that nowadays there
is a demand from society towards a greater commitment to responsibility as
regards corporate behavior. In this context, the concept of corporate social
responsibility (CSR) emerges, which, according to the report of meeting number
295 of the Governing Body of the International Labor Organization-ILO (2006),
“it is a reflection of the way in which enterprises take into consideration the
repercussions that their actions have on society.” In this sense, as expressed
by Lafuente, Viñuales, Pueyo and Llaría (2003, p. 7),
It is said
that organizations exercise their social responsibility when they pay attention
to the expectations that different interest groups have of them (such as
employees, associates, clients, local communities, environmentalists,
shareholders, and suppliers) with the ultimate purpose of contributing to development
that is both socially and environmentally sustainable and economically viable.
Approximations to the theory and
practice of the concept of corporate social responsibility have been outlined
since the contextualization of executive functions by Barnard (1938), passing
through Levitt’s(1958) pragmatism, Fiedman’s (1970)
utilitarianism, the development of the useful stakeholder theory by Freeman
(1990), and, of course, landing on what could be the first connection between
the capacity of organizations to compete
and the need for accountability, through a referential framework based on the
resources of the firm, which was originally suggested by Wernerfelt
(1984) and retaken by Hart (2005) later on in a practical context with one sole
approach to environmental damage, which was later on called environmental
social responsibility.
However, subsequently in the literature a
tendency is perceived to conceptually consolidate the topics concerning social,
environmental, and financial welfare, with respect to the demand of the society
for more responsibility in corporate behavior, and it is there where
sustainability1 is contextualized. As a reference, we can see
how, for example, McWilliams, Siegel, and Wright (2006) make an alignment of concepts
between corporate social responsibility and strategy, which in the end was
retaken by Porter and Kramer (2006 and 2011) where, among other things, they
highlight the need to go deeper into the topic and the concern raised by
members of the top management of large organizations concerning this idea. Now
it was not an issue of giving back to society or the environment in some way for the mark left by
the wrong-doing of companies, it was a question of survival that in the future would
be coherent with the actions that are carried out on all levels in the
corporate context. Sustainability had been officially presented as a concept
and as one of the dominant paradigms in the context of the formulation and implementation
of a strategy oriented to guaranteeing the survival of the society and, by
definition, of business.
From there,
multiple contributions made that tendency evident, in academic as well as in
practical terms, to the extent that, inevitably, some authors like Pinillos and Fernández (2011)
affirmed that beyond the concepts of social responsibility and corporate
philanthropy, the current referential framework should have an effective
orientation towards business sustainability, which is directly associated with
the creation of long-term integral value, that is to say, that this should be
the conceptual reference from now on. In this way, it is concluded that
tendency of starting up and running businesses that have a positive impact in
the environment or on the society is totally compatible and coherent (actually,
almost synergic) with the legitimate interests of the creation of the financial
wealth of businessmen, and for this reason, corporate sustainability is
referred to as an integrating concept.
Now, taking into account that
employees are part of that society that companies should positively impact,
there appears the concept of sustainability in the internal context of
organizations. “Socially responsible practices that have an influence on the internal
context of the organization, affect, first of all, the workers and refer to
matters related to the management of and investment in human resources, health,
and safety at work, and in the management of change and maintaining a healthy
work environment” (European Council, 2002, p. 8). At the same time, the
Sustainability norm ISO 26000 (2010) affirms that the creation of work posts,
as well as salaries and compensations, is one of the principal ways in which
companies can contribute to society.
Thus, the idea of what is sustainable has been encompassing
practically all the areas of organizations, including their employees through
the day to day actions and decisions made by the company and that
affect or are affected by this important stakeholder. Understanding the
impact (positive or negative) had on organizational performance that the
integral state of human resources causes is a fact that has been widely dealt
with in the literature and that reaches it peak with
the conclusions of Spreitzer and Porat
(2012), which were schematized in the light of what they called corporate
prosperity in a direct causal relationship with the same prosperity of their employees.
And it is
precisely in this point where a connection is clearly found (or better, a
disconnection), dialectical and conceptual, which makes evident the fact that
social exclusion generates an effect against sustainable development, as it is
universally defined as “that which satisfies the present needs without
compromising the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own needs” (Brundtland Report, UN, 1987). By way of example, to the
extent that people have low quality jobs, it is clear that with the incomplete
satisfaction of their needs, not only their current development is being
jeopardized, but also the development of their families is neglected and, by
definition, the capacity to satisfy the needs of their future generations. In
this sense, authors such as Earnes & Adebowale (2012), Dempsey, Bramley,
Power & Brown (2012), and Fritz & Koach
(2014), as well as studies from both, the International Labor Organization (Poschen, 2012) and the United Nations Research Institute
for Social Development (Dugarova & Lavers, 2014)
have expressed and in many cases have demonstrated the existence of said correlation
that, in the same way, constitutes the center of our discussion.
It is to be expected, then, that
companies with good practices as regards sustainability in their internal
context, contribute to society with employees who are not socially excluded,
and that those who are not committed to maintaining good sustainable internal
practices generate contrary results. Therefore, it would be expected that, as
affirmed by the European Council (2002), employment was a safeguard against
social exclusion.
Due to the above mentioned, it is possible
to assert that one of the consequences of corporate sustainability is a better
quality of life of employees, understanding this as
The perception individuals have of their place in
existence, within the context of culture, and of the system of values in which
they live and in relation to their objectives, expectations, norms, and concerns.
It is a very broad concept influenced in a complex manner by the subjects’
physical health, their psychological status, level of independence, and social
relationships, as well as their relationship with the essential elements of
their environment (WHO, 1995, p. 41).
In relation
to the concept, as Pedraza (2012) defines it, based on Amartya Sen (1985, 1993
and 2000), the state of social exclusion of an individual can be defined as an
interweaving of relevant deprivations, relative to the society where they live2 and it will be directly related to the
nature of the life that they lead in comparison with the rest of the
individuals in their society, going beyond income or personal possessions and
considering their human capital, social capital and political, spatial, labor
integration3. According to Sen (2000),
an individual’s well-being will not be determined by the goods they possess,
but rather their functioning, which means, by the things a person manages to be
or to do in their life. This theoretical approximation of social exclusion,
says Sen (2000), has its roots in Aristotelian thought, present in Nicomachean Ethics,
for example, where it is affirmed that all individuals live in an “inescapable
social life.”
People can
suffer simultaneously from deprivations in some or all of the functionings of the relevant dimensions which are, the physical, human capital, economic, social capital,
political, and labor4. In an
elemental description of the standards of living, the physical dimension will
include functionings of localization and
infrastructure, that of human capital such as health and education, the
economic dimension will gather information about income and estate, that of
social capital will group the functionings of
interpersonal relationships, the political one will account for the exercise of
rights and citizenship and, finally, the labor dimension will signal the
individual’s participation in the labor market. The independence of the last,
which some authors like De Haan (1999) include in the
economic dimension, is valid in the fact that capitalist societies have been
based on labor and the individuals remain for most of their lives in work
environments; employment not only guarantees a level of income, but also turns
into the physical location of the individual, their possibilities to acquire
human capital, and their social and political cohesion.
Given its
multidimensional nature, the state of social exclusion can be caused by any of
the relevant deprivations, given that, as suggested by Rubio and Monteros (2002), each one of the situations of disadvantage
back feed into one another. However, the labor dimension could have a greater
probability of initiating the accumulation of disadvantages (Pedraza, 2010,
p.19); this, taking into consideration that participation in the labor market
provides, apart from income security, a space for development, status, and an
Employment involves an opportunity for self-realization and is an
instrument of socialization (Pedraza, 2011). As expressed by Marshall (1938, p.
566): “It matters nothing to the seller of bricks whether they are to be used
in building a palace or a sewer: but it matters a great deal to the seller of
labor, who undertakes to perform a task of a determined difficulty, whether or
not the place in which it is to be done is a wholesome and a pleasant one, and
whether or not his associates will be such as he cares to have.”
Nevertheless, much has been said in
recent years about job insecurity, giving place to the concept of the working
poor. As reported by Gundogan, Bicerli and Aydin (2005, p.7),
49.7% of the workers in the world (and a little bit more than 58.7% of the
workers in developing countries) are not earning enough for them and their
families to remain above the poverty line of two dollars per day, and 19.7% of
the people who are employed worldwide (and approximately 23.3% of those in
developing countries) are living with less than one dollar per day.”
In this context, what was said by
Atkinson (1998) about work guaranteeing social inclusion, depending on the
quality of the employment offered, deserves special attention.
The above situation indicates that a
large number of companies have disregarded their sustainable policies in
relation to the well-being of their employees and by offering bad quality jobs
they are contributing to the employees’ social exclusion. It is in this way
that the relation between the inclusion of employees in society and the
practices of corporate sustainability arise. As it is expressed in ISO
26000:33, “work practices have an important impact with respect to rule of law
and in the current sense of justice in the society; socially responsible work
practices are essential for social justice, peace and stability.” For this
reason, the proposal that represents a more coherent approach to said problem
comes from the management field, as there is a growing emphasis on the concept
of responsible organization, where topics such as ethics, values, equity, and
respect for the differences between people should permeate the decision making
system of the employers with the aim of fostering tolerant and, at the same
time, more productive environments. Logic suggests, then, the integration of
principles of sustainability with human resource management (Ehnert, Harry & Zink, 2014).
Appealing to human resource
management practices which focus on the consolidation of organizations that aim
towards the legitimate application of policies of social responsibility and
sustainability has become a fundamental aspect in the way of doing business
nowadays and, at the same time, has become a reference point of the managerial
literature of the last few years (Bourdeau &
Ramstad, 2005; Tarique & Schuler, 2012; Lis,
2012). In fact, the evidence obtained through both studies show that said
practices are aligned with better corporate performance and represent
challenges that management will face in the future (Stone & Deadrick, 2015) to achieve a prosperous situation.
By way of example, a new concept
arises: sustainable performance. This consists of the
application of 4 mechanisms that allow for said prosperity: 1) promoting
empowerment for decision making; 2) sharing key information; 3) minimizing
organizational incivility; and 4) offering feedback on performance. In an
attempt to clarify that it is through people that outstanding results in the
field of sustainability are obtained (especially
when it comes to environmental impact), it is also of supreme importance the
task of compiling the visions and contributions made by Renwick, Redman and
Maguire (2013), which is called the “green” management of human resources, alluding
to the usual practices in the management of people which should be part of the
day-to-day of managers and executives, in the search for what they called an
integration between human resources management and environmental management.
At the same time, through Jones’
(2010) research, an enormous contribution can be found to the validation of the
phenomenon of social exchange and volunteering programs. In addition to the
complete account of the contributions that other authors have made to this
topic, it is possible to corroborate the effectiveness of these type of
practices based on aspects like the loyalty of employees towards their
employers, due to a great extent, to the pride they take in being part of these
organizations. Variables such as the retention of staff, work environment, and
sensitivity to employees’ feelings regarding compensation were also an object
to this study; all of the organizations analyzed had a positive response to socially
responsible practices.
On the other hand, through the most
recent conclusions of Jones, Willnes and Madey (2011), it was possible to find a direct correlation
between the levels of efficiency of the functions inherent to the incorporation
of staff in organizations and the perception that the public has about them, in
terms of what the authors defined as responsible social performance6; that is to say, that it was possible to
corroborate direct and significant sensitivity between the results of the staff
recruitment processes in this type of organization as a consequence of the
positive perceptions of the candidates towards them, in terms of practices of
social responsibility and sustainability. In the end, they influence the
motivation of the candidates, not only to belong to said organizations, but
also to generate a real, long-term commitment to them through their work.
From a practical perspective, there
is also evidence of some policies, practices, and decisions that have a
positive influence on the results related to the managerial system of human resources
in organizations that work within a sustainable framework. There are examples
of companies, such as Ben & Jerry’s as an example of social innovation;
Timberland LLC by using their reputation as a direct support to their brand;
Marks and Spencer with the sustainable management of their supply chain; and
Florida Ice & Farm as a Latin American example through the success of their
“neutral water” program. All of them, mentioned in the literature of Page &
Katz (2012), Blaisdell (2012), Brokaw (2012) & Ickis, Prado & García-Rada (2012)
respectively, serve to illustrate the point. All of them have important
elements in common that validate the basic postulates of sustainability: they
refer to successful companies with strong reputations as brands and as
companies in themselves that maintain a balance with their human resources
managerial system.
These postulates constitute, without
doubt, the refined evolution of what Ulrich (1997) once defined as the “key to
success” of the executives who direct people to face the challenges of
competitiveness that (at that time and nowadays) are to come. In other words,
and appealing to the studies developed by the Ohio State University in 1957 and
collected by Fiedler and Chemers (1985), a leader
(for our study, a human resources manager) through their conduct is capable of
leading a company to generate the results that their employees are capable of
(competence) and want to generate (motivation).
In this way and taking into
consideration the antecedents stated, the present study proposes as its
objective to analyze the existing relationship between the work conditions of
employees in Colombia and their social exclusion or inclusion, as part of the internal
sustainability policies of employers.
An econometric analysis was applied
to the information obtained through the Encuesta de Calidad de Vida (Life Quality Survey) 2003 and 2008
carried out by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE),
through the Stata 11.1 software. Only the urban population is
analyzed, taking into account the great differentiation that exists between the
occupations in this area as opposed to the rural zone.
The Life Quality Survey carried out
by the DANE quantifies and characterizes the living conditions of the Colombian
population, analyzes variables related to housing conditions (materials of the
walls, floors, and access to public services) and ownership of the same.
Additionally, it enquires about the specific characteristics of the members of
the household, such as education, health, childcare, work force, expenses and
income, among others. In the specific case of the 2008 version, additional
information about alimentary and nutritional security are included, as well as
the possession and use of land in rural areas.
Until 2008, three surveys had been
carried out, that is to say, one every five years, for the periods 1997, 2003,
and 2008. Their application is the result of the field work done in 9 regions
of the country, and thanks to the wealth of information obtained, it is
possible to calculate indicators for factors like housing, health, education,
recreation and culture, productivity and employment, life quality, and risk.
For the present study, firstly, the
population was characterized according to economic activity, choosing those who
had an occupation at the moment of the measurement, according to the definition
of unemployment contextualized by the DANE.
Afterwards, the workers were
classified according to the quality of their employment. To the end of evaluating
this characteristic of occupations, from diverse factors that could generate
advantages and disadvantages for the employees, an index was created based on
the guide provided by Farné (2003). This author calculates the indicator of
employment quality from the following criteria: i. Work income including
salaries and payment in kind (100 points for incomes above or equal to the
minimum current salary and 0 points for incomes below that amount). ii. Affiliation
to social security (100 points if the employee is affiliated to a health and
pension fund, 50 if they are affiliated to one of the two systems, and 0 points
if the employee is not affiliated to either of the two systems). iii. Working
hours (100 points if the employee works up to 48 hours per week and 0 if they
work more than that). However, in contrast to Farné
(2003), in this study, when creating the index of employment quality, values were
not assigned to the three factors analyzed to the criteria of the researcher,
what was used was a statistical technique of multiple correspondence analysis
(MCA), which is a principal component analysis (PCA), but designed for binary
variables7. This decision is made,
given the usefulness of the MCA in making optimal scaling when the objective is
to capture the maximum correlation between variables. Afterwards, a binary
indicator of employment quality was obtained, calling those who have
employments with the worst conditions 1, taking as a cut-off point the median
of the indicator, taking advantage of the fact that the MCA gives normalized
Thirdly, the degree of social
exclusion of the employed was calculated, through a multidimensional index,
from the following equation:
This being a linear combination of
the relevant deprivations accumulated by i, which in total are a number c,
d(fix) is the deprivation of the person i, given the level of the functioning fx, and wx the contribution to
the social exclusion of the respective deprivation that, in this case, were
once again calculated by an MCA. In this case, the advantage of using factor
weights is that they give greater relevance to the deprivations suffered by
most of the individuals in the society.
Finally, the differences between the
social exclusion of the workers with good and bad quality employment were
statistically validated.
In Table 1, the results of urban
employment quality for the years 2003 and 2008 in Colombia are shown, finding
that about 65% are bad quality occupations.
Table 1. Low quality
employment in Colombia
2003 |
2008 |
Total |
% |
% |
elaborated by the authors based on ECV (2003) and EVC (2008)
The results show differences in the
quality of the employment offered, where more than half of the occupations are
of bad quality. This demonstrates that the policies of internal corporate social
responsibility are being ignored by a large number of companies in Colombia or,
if they have them, they are not being effective.
Now, it was intended to study the
social exclusion of urban workers in Colombia, and in order to measure it a
multidimensional indicator was built. It followed De Haan
(1999), but was limited by the information of the surveys and it took into account
the disadvantages caused by the deprivations shown in Table 28. Although it was intended to include
some deprivation related to the political life of the individuals, this was not
possible due to the absence of available information, especially for 2008.
Table 2. Relevant deprivations in Colombia
Physical |
Housing infrastructure |
- Type of
housing - Material
of the walls - Material
of the floors -
Overcrowding |
Housing location |
- Imminent
risk - Dangerous
site in the neighborhood - Security in the
neighborhood |
Public services |
Availability of public services - Type of
bathroom - Water
supply - Fuel
used |
Human Capital |
Health |
- General
health state - Chronic
disease |
Education |
Illiteracy - Maximum
level of education reached |
Economic |
Economic dependence |
- Number
of people per employed member of the household |
Wealth |
- Accumulated
goods in the household -
Consumption of 3 daily meals |
Social capital |
Social contacts |
- No
primary family ties in the household - New to
the municipality where they live |
Household welfare |
- Invalids
in the household - Difficult
year for the household |
Source: elaborated
by the authors
Once the binary indicators were
established for all the deprivations indicated, they were integrated in a
multidimensional index built from an analysis of multiple correspondences. In
addition, a binary variable of social exclusion is built according to the
middle point of the interval in which said indicator in grouped. Table 3 shows
the results obtained with the information for the years 2003 and 2008 concerning
the social exclusion of the people who are employed in urban areas, according
to the quality of their employment, showing that work insecurity is related to
social exclusion.
Table 3. Social exclusion in Colombia, according to employment
2003 |
2008 |
Low quality employment |
High quality
employment |
Low quality employment |
High quality
employment |
Total |
% |
% |
56.36 % |
29.82% |
The results obtained show that for
the year 2003 as well as for the year 2008, the individuals who work in the jobs
categorized as low quality have greater social exclusion levels than those who
have better quality jobs (see Table 3)
The statistical significance of this
difference was corroborated through a maximum
likelihood estimation (See Table 4). This technique allows for the verification
of social exclusion for individuals with the same characteristics, but in jobs
of different quality. Once again, differences are found between the percentages
of social exclusion according to the characteristics of the individuals that
prevail over the differences due to the quality of the employment, and they are
persistent from 2003 to 2008.
Table 4. Maximum likelihood estimation of the differences of
exclusion among employed people - Control group: better quality employment
2003 |
2008 |
Average effect (ATT) |
0.075265475 |
0.375091654 |
Interval of trust – repeated sampling (bootstrapping) |
[0.0565195 0.094011] |
[0.4231448 0.3270385] |
elaborated by the authors based on ECV (2003) and ECV (2008).
As a matter of fact, the quality of
the jobs offered in Colombia does not appear to contribute to guaranteeing
better conditions to the employees, proving Atkinson (1998, p. v) right in
claiming that employment only guarantees social inclusion when it is of good
These results would show that in
Colombia the policies of internal business sustainability are inexistent or are
not being effective, given that work insecurity is fostered with negative
consequences on the social inclusion of workers.
On a side note to the existing
debate between the adoption of technologies and the existence of inequity
policies in the development of regions or countries, critically approached by Bogliacino (2014), an alternative stands out among many
others to show that, well implemented, this scheme could represent a clear example
of the sustainable practice of human resources and a promoter of social
inclusion policies to the extent that work conditions improve for the
individuals who are part of the Colombian market labor. We are referring to
telework, as is affirmed by Contreras and Rozo (2015)
in their reflective work.
The work that the Colombian State
and corporations have been developing in the last years in the search to
incorporate a philosophy of work closely related to the use of ICTs, with the
aim of improving the indicators of productivity, unemployment and, as a
consequence, that of work inclusion in the country, is unquestionable.
In fact, with the present work the
link is made evident, thanks to prior conclusions on the direct relationship
between the use of ICTs and the performance of companies in Colombia, where,
for example, some studies like that of Botello, Pedraza and Contreras (2014), after obtaining results of
direct correlation between productivity and the adoption of ICTs in
organizations, also recommend the promotion of policies, public and corporate,
oriented towards widening the coverage of the different information and
communication technologies in the service sector in Colombia.
Actually, this topic is tackled from
an official perspective, where the most tangible is definitely the emphasis put
on the adoption of telework as an option of formal employment, which has been
materialized by the national government through mechanisms that formalize and
stimulate the mentioned practice: the Telework Law9 and its earlier
regulatory decree10, the creation of
the “Telework pact”, the relationship of different territorial bodies,
companies, universities, and people, with the initiatives fostered by the
ministries11, to create a new decent
critical mass which receives the message correctly and promotes its
implementation. These are interesting initiatives which have resulted in an
interesting normative, but without a clear sense of its reach or implications,
which raises some worrying questions related to its measurement, supervision,
and control.
In any case, and independently that
the measurement of the positive or negative impact of this work practice is
incipient and difficult, it is possible to affirm, without fear of being wrong,
that the intention is praiseworthy and that with the right approach, it is
possible that this effectively represents a direct contribution to Colombia in
terms of the perception of social inclusion of the workers. This means that the
field of action could be environmental, social, and economic-productive
Corporate sustainability, seen as a
set of actions that aim to have positive repercussions on the society, includes
offering good quality employment. This internal corporate sustainability will
then include policies related to equitable salary structures, but also those
related to non-monetary conditions of occupations. Taking into account that the
work context is a fundamental part of the spaces of inclusion in the society,
the consequences of internal sustainability will be reflected on the well-being
of the population.
The results for Colombia show that
internal sustainability policies in organizations are inexistent or are not
being totally effective, given that for the years 2003 and 2008 it is possible
to find around 30% of people with bad quality jobs. The greatest level of
social exclusion is found in the workers of low quality occupations, which implies
a need for the revision of these policies. Companies should be conscious that
by ignoring the responsibilities they have towards their employees, they are
condemning a large number of them to being excluded from the society.
The situation presented allows for
the speculation that a systematic revision of the sustainability policies of
companies in developing countries like Colombia, constitutes a
imperative necessity in the agenda of corporate and competitive development,
particularly in relation to the type of employment that is being offered in the
labor market. This conclusion is made taking into account that employment is,
without doubt, a highly influential aspect in the life of an individual, given
that most of a person’s life is dedicated to it and, it often constitutes the
only source of income and of social integration.
Part of the
discussion that should take place later and in other contexts and that may be derived
from the current analysis is how affected business may be (that is, as regards
financial results) as a result of neglecting their practices of internal
sustainability. A priori, it is thought that the relation between the two
variables should be positive and direct, that is, that as long as a company
fosters the application of practices of internal sustainability, there will be
a positive impact on the results of its business, and vice versa. However, it
is necessary to validate this with a greater level of detail, which represents an
interesting opportunity for future research in the context of exploratory
studies, impact analysis, and case studies of a pedagogic and investigational
type, which open a window for the analysis of and contribution to the administrative
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by Contreras, Vecino and Pedraza
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deliberate orientation towards building a sustainable future for the people who
form it. This means that, through a set of traditional practices of management
of their human resources, environmental and social variables should be
considered with the aim of obtaining a better performance in their job. It is
there where social inclusion is unquestionably an asset to the policy of
management of organizations, and where the gaps in the existing research are
perceived, given that the measurement of the impact of sustainability is still
incipient in terms of the real long-term effect that is obtained thanks to the
application of said practices.
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* The authors are members of the Finance & Management research group
from the School of Industrial and Business Studies of the Universidad
Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia).
** Industrial engineer and Master of
Business Administration. Assistant professor in the School of Industrial and Business Studies of
the Universidad Industrial de Santander. E-mail:
*** Industrial engineer and Doctor of
Economic Science.
Associate professor in the School of Industrial and Business Studies of the Universidad
Industrial de Santander. E-mail:
**** Industrial
engineer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander. E-mail:
1 The term comes from the English language. In
Spanish can be referenced as sustentabilidad or sustentable, or both.
2 As an analytical notion, the term social
exclusion seems to have been originally coined in France by Rene Lenoir in his
1974 book The Excluded: One Frenchman out of Ten (Les Exclus:
Un français sur dix), to
refer to several categories of people catalogued as social problems and who did
not have the protection of social welfare. Nowadays, there are countless
definitions for social exclusion but, in general, it is always portrayed as a
state of discomfort and impairment. For Jordan (1996), for example, this
concept is associated with the lack of the individual power of some people to
access resources common to all citizens, which becomes a structural obstacle on
a social level. Bhalla and Lapeyre
(1999) define social exclusion as a process which means that individuals or
groups, who reside geographically in a society, do not participate in the
normal activities of the citizens of that society. Following Castel (1997),
“they would be excluded those who do not take part in the regulated exchanges
and so, for that reason, society does not recognize them as significant
contributions to social order, in the framework of opposing or dissimilar
interests.” Finally, as Sen (2000, p.9) puts it “the language of exclusion is
so versatile and adaptable that there may be a temptation to dress up every
deprivation as a case of social exclusion. There is, I fear, in the vast – and
rapidly growing- literature on social exclusion, evidence that the language has
run well ahead of the creative ideas involved.”
3 This corresponds to a multidimensional
definition of social exclusion which is the most accepted in recent times. This
tendency is mainly fostered by organizations focused on the formulation of
social policies, such as the European Commission (2000) and the International
Institute for Labor Studies (ILO), and their main advocate, Nobel Prize winner
Amartya Sen. The other two perspectives if social exclusion that have been
relevant in the study of this phenomenon are the Anglo Saxon and the French
Republican, which have monocausal explanations of
social exclusion, the first focused on poverty and the second on the breaking
of social ties.
4 As Silver (1995) comments in his
literature, exclu8ded individuals are mentioned in such dissimilar spaces as:
“livelihood; secure, permanent employment; earnings; property; credit, or land;
housing; minimal or prevailing consumption levels; education, skills, and
cultural capital; the welfare state; citizenship and legal equality; democratic
participation; public goods; the nation or the dominant race; family and
sociability; humanity, respect, fulfillment and understanding.” For this
reason, it is useful to establish which the elemental social dimensions are.
5 In the words of the CAI and INAEM
(2007, p. 113) “employment is the main form of social and personal integration.
7 As Asselinn
and Anh (2008, p. 2) mention, the PCA “essentially
consists of building a sequence of uncorrelated (orthogonal) and normalized
linear combinations of input variables (K primary indicators), exhausting the
whole variability of the set of input variables, named “total variance” and
defined as the trace of their covariance matrix, thus the sum of the K
variances. (…) The stepwise reduction process just described, computationally
equivalent to eigenvalues and eigenvector identification, corresponds
geometrically to a change in the Cartesian axis system (translation and
rotation) of the k dimension Euclidean space Rk.
Basically, the MCA is a PCA process that uses a metric chi squared χ^2 instead of
the Euclidian.” (Asselin & Anh, 2008, p. 4).
8 The measurement of social exclusion
for the population in general also includes the labor dimension. However, as in
this case only the employed population is being analyzed, the unemployment
indicator is not taken into consideration. Work insecurity is not included in
the calculation of the multidimensional indicator either, because it is
precisely the difference between the population due to
this characteristic that is intended to be studied in greater detail
9 Law 1221 of 2008
10 Decree 884 of 2012
11 Such as the Comisión Asesora de Teletrabajo
(Assessment Commission of Telework), La Red Nacional
de Fomento al Teletrabajo
(National Network of Telework Fostering), the signing of international
agreements to achieve cross-learning as regards the phenomenon and the edition
of the Libro blanco abc del teletrabajo (the white abc of
telework book), which is the body of useful knowledge “for facilitating telework
pilot projects in businesses through a methodology adjusted for the Colombian