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Stomatal aperture and physicochemical qualities in yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus Bauer) fruits in response to day/night rhythm in pre and postharvest

Ripe pitahaya fruits in crop nearby Fusagasuga (Cundinamarca, Colombia). Photo: G. Fischer


Yellow pitahaya is a tropical fruit with economic potential due to its physicochemical, organoleptic and nutritional properties. Given the CAM (crassula acid metabolism) of pitahaya, it is necessary to study the stomatal aperture and acidic behaviour in the cladode and fruit in field and postharvest in order to understand the physiology, crop management, and postharvest processes of yellow pitahaya, particularly in response to the day/night rhythm. Stomatal behaviour was characterised in a 4-year-old pitahaya crop (Silvania, Colombia), under ambient conditions of 19°C, 12/12 hours day/night, and additionally, total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TSS) and maturity ratio (MR) were determined in the fruits. Subsequently, fruits harvested in physiological maturity (90% green, 10% yellow) were stored at 13°C and 80% relative humidity for 16 days, and the effect of three lighting treatments (continuous light, continuous darkness and light/dark change: 12/12 h) was evaluated, determining stomatal behaviour, TTA, TSS, MR, firmness, respiration and weight loss. In the field, the cladodes showed a behaviour characteristic of CAM plants, but the fruits did not. In storage, fruits subjected to the light/dark change showed significant increases in respiration intensity and cumulative weight loss. Postharvest treatments did not show significant differences in firmness, TTA, TSS and fruit maturity ratio. Based on the results, it is indicated that storage under alternating light and dark conditions decreases the postharvest shelf life of pitahaya fruit.


Dragon fruit, Stomatal opening, CAM metabolism, Alternating light/dark, Respiration, Storage



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