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Allelopathic activity of dichloromethane fraction of Campomanesia lineatifolia (R. & P.) on the germination of Rumex crispus (L.) and Amaranthus hybridus (L.)

Campomanesia lineatifolia seeds. Photo: A.M. Hurtado-Gutiérrez


Due to the effects generated by the use of chemical herbicides, there is a need to seek more environmentally friendly ways to combat weeds. The allelopathic effect of Campomanesia lineatifolia seed extract on weed germination has been studied; however, information is still lacking regarding the components responsible for the allelopathic effect of the extract. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic activity of the dichloromethane fraction of C. lineatifolia extract on the germination of Rumex crispus and Amaranthus hybridus. To achieve this, a hydroalcoholic extract of the seeds of C. lineatifolia was prepared and subsequently fractionated through sequential extraction with dichloromethane. The concentrations used in the germination tests were 0, 100, 300, and 600 mg L-1. The percentage of germination (PG), mean germination speed (MGS), mean germination time (MGT), and seed viability were assessed. In R. crispus, low concentrations (100 and 300 mg L-1) favored germination, reaching PG values of 75.5 and 64.5%, respectively. However, the highest concentration (600 mg L-1) significantly inhibited germination (77% inhibition). In the case of A. hybridus, all treatments with concentrations of the dichloromethane fraction inhibited germination compared to the 0 mg L-1 treatment, with the inhibition being most pronounced at 600 mg L-1 (98.5% inhibition). Furthermore, the MGS decreased as concentrations increased in both species, while the MGT increased in A. hybridus with higher concentrations. In conclusion, the dichloromethane fraction of the C. lineatifolia extract exhibits allelopathic activity, which can be either positive or negative depending on the species to which it is applied and the concentrations used.


Botanical pesticides, Bioprospecting, Myrtaceae, Hydroalcoholic extract of seeds, Germination inhibitors, Weed control



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