Technical Thinking and Ethical Differentiation. A connection between Simondon and Foucault
This is a theoretical article composed of two parts: First: characteristics of technical thought are reviewed, assuming that this is a paradigm of inductive thought, that is, of an impulse that tends to unity. Second: the main qualities of ethical differentiation are described from what we call pragmatics of problematization, there it is accepted that inquiry, examination and self-care are the terrain where practices of ethical differentiation are established. Two things are accepted: 1) that technical thought, as a paradigm of all inductive thought, is a force that shapes the ethos as a way of life; 2) that ethical differentiation, as pragmatics of problematization, is the material with which the tendency to unity operates, a quality of technical thought. The central question is how the operations of ethical differentiation are analogous to those of technical thought? Therefore, the article aims to analyze the relationships between technical thinking and ethical differentiation based on Simondon and Foucault. To answer the question and achieve the stated objective, the analog method is used.
thought, technique, ethics, analogy
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