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Complaints and Appeals Policy

Inquietud Empresarial is committed to ensuring transparency and fairness in its editorial process. We understand that authors may have legitimate concerns or disagreements with editorial decisions. Therefore, we have established a clear and fair process for authors to file complaints or appeal editorial decisions, even if these concerns arise more than 30 days from the original decision.

  1. Presentation of Complaints or Appeals:

Conditions for Filing Complaints or Appeals: Authors have the right to file complaints or appeals if they believe there has been unfair treatment, lack of transparency, or discrepancies in editorial decision-making. This process applies if more than 30 days have passed since the original editorial decision.

Submission Procedure: Authors must send a written complaint or appeal to the email address designated for this purpose: The complaint or appeal must include specific details about the nature of the concern and any relevant evidence that supports your case.

  1. Review and Response:

Review of Complaints or Appeals: The Editor-in-Chief will personally review each complaint or appeal received. If the Editor-in-Chief was directly involved in the original decision, the review will be carried out by an editorial board member designated for this purpose.

Response Time: Inquietud Empresarial is committed to providing an initial response within 15 business days of receipt of the complaint or appeal. Authors will be notified if more time is needed for a thorough review.

3.Final Decision and Transparency:

Final Decision: After a complete review, a final decision will be made. If the complaint or appeal is determined to be valid, any necessary corrections or adjustments will be implemented. If the original editorial decision is upheld, clear and reasoned explanations will be provided.

Notification to Authors: Authors will be notified of the final decision in writing, detailing the reasons behind the decision and any action taken.

Inquietud Empresarial is committed to maintaining a transparent, fair, and efficient complaints and appeals process to address authors' concerns, even when they arise more than 30 days from the editorial decision.