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Multimodality and digital games as motivational resources for learning English in high school


This research studies how pedagogical practices involving multimodality and digital games motivate the learning of English as a second language in the context of high school. The research is of a mixed type, with an applied approach. In this sense, a multimodal practice was proposed and applied involving digital games, to support the process of reading, textual comprehension, and writing in English for high school students. The practice was carried out in two classes for two groups of different contexts, which included students between 15 and 21 years old. Data collection was done through questionnaires with open and closed questions to the students and through semi-structured interviews with the teachers responsible for the implementation of the classes. The information obtained through these instruments underwent content and sentiment analyses. Based on the analysis of the results, it was found that multimodal practices linked to digital games influence the motivation of the subjects in the processes of reading, of textual comprehension and of writing in English language, which favors the process of learning the language.


english language, multimodality, digital games, motivation

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