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Family medicine and communitary care a necesary dupla


During their existence, human beings have to face various health scenarios that affect their lives, from severe complications to the most serious consequences such as death; However, there are a series of diseases that can be preventable; this requires knowledge about the social determinants that can generate risk of damage to health and, of course, how to mitigate them to prevent their appearance or stop their progress. (1).

In this context, the provision of health services must be carried out effectively in order to achieve the stated goals, therefore, it is essential that professionals in these areas can identify the needs of their patients for the prevention of diseases. and health promotion, that is, going beyond the disease and how to treat it (2). The conception of a whole, which has repercussions on the health of individuals, all in search of promoting the achievement of physical, mental and social well-being, necessary for the achievement of human development, regardless of their social class, preferences or limitations. , thus guaranteeing the protection of everyone's health.

Then family medicine becomes relevant in this aspect, since its professionals are trained to provide Primary Health Care (PHC) that “is conceived as a comprehensive strategy that is developed in accordance with the political, economic and social context of the country, focused in individuals, families and communities, who are made participants in decisions related to the maintenance, improvement and recovery of health throughout life” (3). Faced with this type of care, it is evident that the study of the factors that characterize a community is a core part of achieving adequate provision of health services and for this reason it must be considered by professionals in said area since in It presents a series of problems that affect the physical and mental state of people. In this sense, the community action carried out by family medicine professionals becomes vitally important, since it allows us to know the social determinants that are impacting a certain community and from there define the way in which they should be addressed in search of improvements in community health (4). Given this scenario, it is pertinent to ask if the family doctor really effectively plays his or her role for the benefit of the community or if it is only a general concept that is alien to the reality of this medical practice. The essence of this reflection article stems from the above, since the family doctor must delve into the communities to identify problems that arise in the community environment, including social inequalities as determinants for access to health and the quality of life.



family medicine, Community work

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Author Biography

Maira Alejandra Pájaro Castillo

Médico especialista en Medicina Familiar.

Maria Paula Suarez Correa

Médico especialista en Medicina Familiar.

Deysy Katherinn Manosalva Dallos

Médico especialista en Medicina Familiar.


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