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Strengthening life skills : life proyect.


The life project is the tool through which a medium- and long-term per- sonal plan is established, oriented to personal growth, self-knowledge and the projection of goals that generate a personal and social realization. Working on the life project from the development of skills, will allow the student to be directed to a personal realization, through their strengths, generating personal satisfaction and the satisfaction of occupying an important place in society. When such a project is established in the initial stage of the school cycle, it generates a great advantage, which guides the student to establish plans and become the executor of great projects for life, which is why this study came to life and generated a great impact in the field of application.


Life project, Life skills, Didactic sequence

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Author Biography

Alba Lorena Medina Gómez

Alba Lorena Medina Gómez. Licenciada en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Matemáticas, Humanidades y Lengua Castellana, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. 

Yency Yamile Mora Sarmiento

Alba Lorena Medina Gómez. Licenciada en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Matemáticas, Humanidades y Lengua Castellana, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. 



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