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Pedagogical practice, a reflection moment in teacher training


This article considers the process of pedagogical practice that the teachers in training performance for the professional development, which allows the competences improvement for their professional future. Taking into account that the pedagogical practice allows to reflect and to investigate on its own experiences and significant bets of the day to day. Some concepts are presented, in order to show up the teachers’ process and their conception to reform the learning and teaching strategies.

In this sense, it is presented a characterization of teacher training in the 21st century, its development in practice, focused on the formation of critical, and reflexive, ethical and moral teachers capable of responding to the needs of their environment. On the other hand, it describes the characteristics of a teacher who performs research processes based  on a reflexive dynamic that leads to the creation of new conceptions of teaching learning.


Teaching performance, Strategies, Competences, Teacher training, Pedagogical practice

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