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From the Pharmakon to Technodiversity. A Brief Genealogy of a Conceptual Heterogenesis


The paper aims to provide a set of conceptual coordinates that can delineate the contours of the philosophical legacy of Bernard Stiegler’s pharmacology, thus indicating a working place for the philosophy of technology which, while opening up to new questions, also acquires its theoretical and political meaning. In order to describe the Stieglerian perspective, its theoretical production and its maturation over almost three decades, even in a chronological and genealogical sense, the method adopted is that of a double conceptual comparison, on the one hand, between a predecessor, namely Jacques Derrida, and Stiegler, through which the conceptual variation of the pharmakon from the first to the second author will be analysed, as well as the elements of disagreement between both of them, with particular reference to tertiary retention and the Stieglerian delinking from the deconstructive framework; on the other hand, between Stiegler and one of his continuators, Yuk Hui, where the focus will shift towards the pharmacology of the digital and, finally, towards the concept of technodiversity initially developed by the Chinese philosopher.


pharmakon, différance, tertiary retention, deconstruction, technodiversity

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