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Anticipation and Delay. The Epochs of Technics in Bernard Stiegler’s Philosophy


This text proposes a crossing of Bernard Stiegler’s theorization of technics (as proposed in particular in the first volume of Technics and Time), which allows us to rethink it, through various figures of anticipation and delay, in relation to temporality, knowledge and its corresponding epochs. The first part, more theoretical, aims to illustrate the different steps of the conception of an “original technicity” as suggested by the author. What follows will consist in a brief mention of the “symptomatology” of contemporary society that Stiegler proposes, while the text will conclude with a “pharmacological” opening, oriented towards a therapeutic and responsible rethinking of these symptoms of collective discomfort. It will thus be possible to see how, according to Stiegler, only by putting technical thought at the service of the understanding and distribution of time, above all as the time of knowledge, is it possible to escape the stunning paralysis that characterizes contemporary thinking.


technological innovations, time, knowledge, pharmacology, forecasting

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