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Pedagogical strategies and teaching practices for the teaching of law


The author intends to recognize interdisciplinarity as a basis for the pedagogy of law, recognizing human rights, democracy. globalization and negotiation as new law forms. She insists on surpassing code and memory based pedagogies as the basis for the construction of an authentic academic community. She highlights the importance of constructing a student-teacher. relationship in social-legal knowledge.


Pedagogy, Law, Academic community, New Law

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Author Biography

Raquel Ceballos Molano

Lawyer, teacher at the Universities of Valle and Libre de Cali, specialized in negotiation and international contracting at the Universidad del Valle, candidate for a Doctor in General Law of Civil Liability and Insurance from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.


  • BLASCO, IBÁÑEZ y otros, 1994, Reflexiones sobre el estudio del derecho en el siglo XXI, Barranquilla, Universidad del Norte.
  • BORRERO, Camilo, 1990, "Cambiar la academia? Un enfoque desde los usos alternativos de derecho", en: revista Jurisprudencias, ILSA, Bogotá.
  • CAPELLA, Juan Ramón, 1995, El aprendizaje del aprendizaje, Edit. Trotta, Madrid.
  • PALACIO, Germán, 1996, "La investigación sociojurídica, para desafiar la esteril autocomplacencia profesional", en: revista Pensamiento Juridico No. 6, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • SAVATER, Fernando, 1997, El valor de educar, Barcelona, Edit. Ariel S.A.
  • VÉLEZ RAMÍREZ, Humberto, 1996, "Cinco espacios para la formación de un jurista", en: Cuadernos del Instituto de Altos Estudios Juridicos, Politicos y Relaciones Internacionales. septiembre, Cali, Universidad del Valle.


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