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The electoral system of distribution figure. A system that must change


The Congress of the Republic has a vital role in the democratic structure. Its representative and deliberative character is the center of political dynamics. This legislator has its legitimacy by the mechanism of election by popular vote. However, our system of figures distributed at the moment is not the most consistent with the goal of democratic representation, as it can enter undesirable exclusions and failures that weaken citizen participation. The current system of distributed figure of the visibility of the minorities, anchors of the social movements and in the long run does not contribute in the strengthening of the institutions.



Legislator, congress, electoral system, legitimacy, distribution figure

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Author Biography

Diego Mauricio Higuera Jiménez

Lawyer, Master in Public Law and Political Science, Université Nancy 2 France, Doctor of Law from the Externado de Colombia University. Teacher and Senior Researcher Uniamericana Barranquilla, Law, Justice and Social Rule of Law category A1 research group and Primo Levi Colciencias group. blog:


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