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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Work in word processing format (*.doc or *.docx).
  • Authorization and conflict of interest form duly completed in PDF.
  • Figures and tables compressed document in a folder and numbered according to the appearance in the document.

Author Guidelines

The articles are sent to the Journal through the OJS platform (, the submission of the articles must be done along with a cover letter stating that the sent version has been approved by all authors. The documents submitted for publication must be written in Spanish or English, complying with the necessary conditions of coherence, cohesion, clarity, specificity, relevance and centrality that make them communicable.


About the article format 

  1. All articles must adhere to guidelines for authors of the Journal. If the paper is developed by more than two authors, the one who sends the article will be the correspondence link and is responsible for keeping the rest of the authors aware of the editing process, who will express their agreement with the content of the manuscript.
  2. The document must be sent in word processor format (.doc or .docx) and have a maximum length of 15 letter-sized pages, in 12-point Arial font, double spaced and with all 3 cm margins. Written in a single column and without using the justification options for automatic word partitioning. If the article contains subsections they must be clearly identified.
  3. The authorship data must be omitted in the document in order to guarantee the double-blind peer review evaluation criteria, except on the first page and in the cover letter. The first page must include the title in Spanish and English, name and surname of the authors, ORCID, institutional affiliation (institution, city and country), institutional authors emails, conflict of interest and source of funding, as indicated below:

Article title (in Spanish and English): it should be informative, clear, precise, as far as possible avoid using acronyms or abbreviations.

Author (s): Include the data of all authors in order of appearance. Remember that the order of the authors in the article should be done depending on the importance of the contribution made by each one. Full names and surnames, previously registered in IRALIS (, and according to the criteria defined therein.

Last obtained academic degree, mention the highest degree of each of the authors (MBA, PhD, Post PhD, as the case may be).

Institutional affiliation, include the full name of the institution, city and country of location, avoid using the institution's acronym.

Institutional email, preferably from all authors; however, the mail of the correspondence author is indispensable.

ORCID, with the aim of facilitating the recovery of the articles associated with the authors, ALL signatories must have their ORCID in active mode.

Financing: Include the name of the institution or organization that funded the study. When the financing comes from a scholarship at national or international level, only mention the Call and / or the Institution that granted the scholarship.

About the article`s content

  1. Analytical abstract (in Spanish and English): Minimum 250 words, expressing in a concise and sequential manner the most significant objectives, methods, results and conclusions of the paper. You must explain the contribution of the research, the relevance of the obtained results and how they help the subject. Do not mention the structure of the article.
  2. Keywords (in Spanish and English): Between six and ten words that help the recovery of the article in search engines (it is suggested to use thesauri such as IEEE or Unesco.
  3. Introduction: you must contextualize the reader about the topics of the article, including background, justification and fundamental concepts.
  4. Methodology: What is done in the investigation, is described, the elements and used procedures are usually related.
  5. Results: Synthesize the obtained results, interpreting and highlighting why what has been done is relevant.
  6. Discussion and conclusions: Describe in a timely manner the analysis of the obtained results and the authors' opinions on the development of the work reported in the document.
  7. Contribution of the authors: The contribution of each of the authors or co-authors must be submitted; the above in order to evaluate the participation in the paper. Be clear that appearing as the author of an article implies responsibility for the published works (For more clarity see section AUTHORS ATTRIBUTION)
  8. Acknowledgments: Include only those people who collaborated in the realization of the article or in the financing of the project (for example, translation reviewers, consultants, funders). The Journal requests written authorization from the persons or organizations listed in this section with the aim of not violating or including persons who disagree with the article.
  9. References: The key behind a reference is that the reader of the article can identify or obtain it with the information provided by the author; therefore, an incomplete or wrong reference could diminish the authority and value of the paper. Use the citation style of references defined by the IEEE, including at the end of each reference the DOI of the document.
  10. The writing of the document must be impersonal, concise and technical; it is suggested to avoid redundant terms, unless the use of synonyms affects the meaning of what is meant to be expressed. The International System must be used for units of measure. Acronyms should be defined in their first mention in the article.
  11. The article should adapt, if possible, to the proposed article structure, that is, IMRD. The sections and their corresponding divisions of the body of the document must be numbered with Arabic numerals up to the third level (1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1…); If a fourth level is required it must be done through the use of bullets.
  12. In case of containing supplementary material, the indications given in the Supplementary Material Section of these rules must be taken into consideration.

About the graphics (figures, photographs, maps, tables)

  1. Any figure, photograph or any other visual material, other than the tables, which are typed in the text, the originals must be attached, preferably in TIFF or JPEG format and with a minimum resolution of 200 dpi.
  2. The figures must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, located as close as possible to the place of their reference, and their titles must clearly explain their content. The titles of the figures are written below them.
  3. Photographs of people or items that contain trademarks must be made in a way that is not identifiable, otherwise the consent of their use by the person or photographed brand must be attached.
  4. The tables, meanwhile, must be numbered with Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance in the text and should be included as close as possible to the place of their reference. The title of the table should be included on them and, when required, the used abbreviations will be described at the bottom.
  5. For the figures, photographs, tables and other elements from another publication, it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permits for the translation, reproduction or adaptation (Spanish and English and electronic and physical format) of the same.
  6. For decimal figures, within the text or in tables and figures, decimal point must be used.
  7. The equations must be clear; It is suggested to use an equation editor and adopt the International Notation System for measures of size, distance, weight, among others. The equations should be centered and numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses to the right. Equations should be referenced within the body of the text as "(1)" or "Equation (1)", for example:

An example of the proper positioning of these is provided in Equation (1)

2jk ∂u/∂z = ∂2u/∂x2 + k2 u                  (1)

About the references

Any statement in the text of the article from another document or publication that must be recognized by reference. References should be numbered in order of appearance in the article, and the list of these should be presented at the end of the article; All references included in this section must have been mentioned in the text.

The style of references handled by the Journal is that of the IEEE, therefore, do not locate the references in footnotes, refer to them by number: [2] for individual references, [3, 5] for two references not consecutive and [8-12] to group consecutive references. Examples of use are: "The theory developed in 1987 [1] ...", "Scholtz [2] ensures that ...", "For example, see [7] ...", "Recent studies [3, 4, 15, 22] suggest that…” To refer to references never use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3] ”.

Each reference can include up to six authors, for the bibliographic entries with a greater number of authors the abbreviation et al. Below are examples of references according to the IEEE format:

Books: Author (s), Name of the book. Location: Editor, year.

[1] W. Strunk, and E. B. White, The Elements of Style. New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1959.

Book chapters: Author (s), “Chapter title”, in Book title. Location: Editor, year, pp. xx-xx.

[1] E. D. Lipson, and B. D. Horwitz, “Photosensory reception and transduction,” in Sensory Receptors and Signal Transduction. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001, pp-1-64.

Journal articles: Author (s), "Article title," Journal name, vol. (number), pp. xx-xx, abbreviated month, year. DOI

[2] K. S. Cole, and R. H. Cole, "Dispersion and absorption in dielectrics I. Alternating current characteristics", The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 9 (2), pp. 341-351, Apr. 1941.

Conference article or report: Author (s), “Article title,” in Conference title, conference city, conference country, year, pp. xx-xx. DOI

[3] E. Detyna, “Perfect inviscid fluids and gauge theory in Mathematical Methods in Hydrodynamics and Integrability in Dynamical Systems,” in AIP Conference Proceedings, Roma, Italia, 1982, pp. 99-107.

For additional examples, review the document provided by the IEEE ( Also, it is suggested to validate the references through the system offered by the IEEE ( It is noteworthy that the Editorial Board of the journal reserves the right to immediately reject papers that do not comply with the requested style of references.

For the purpose of knowing the authors interested in publishing in the journal, it is reported that the rejection rate of articles for the year 2019 was 38%.

About Supplementary Material

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, accepts and invites to send additional electronic material that supports the research. Clarifying that only supplementary electronic material related to the content of the article will be considered for publication and its acceptance will be at the discretion of the Editor. The supplementary material will be published electronically in the same format as it was received. Therefore, the Journal suggests sending the supplementary material in the following formats according to the type: 

  1. Text, in word processor (preferably Word, maximum 2 MB),
  2. Data sets, in spreadsheets (preferably Excel, maximum 2 MB),
  3. Images, in JPEG format (maximum 10 MB),
  4. Audio, in MP3 format (maximum 10 MB);
  5. Videos, in MPG format (maximum 50 MB).

Authors should send the supplementary material through the OJS platform along with the article, and provide a concise and descriptive title for each file. Likewise, the sent material must also comply with the ethical requirements and responsibilities described in the standards of the Journal.

Copyright Notice

All articles included in the Revista Facultad de Ingeniería are published under the Creative Commons (BY) license.

Authors must complete, sign, and submit the Review and Publication Authorization Form of the manuscript provided by the Journal; this form should contain all the originality and copyright information of the manuscript.

The authors who publish in this Journal accept the following conditions:

a. The authors retain the copyright and transfer the right of the first publication to the journal, with the work registered under the Creative Commons attribution license, which allows third parties to use what is published as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in this Journal.

b. Authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (eg, include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) provided they clearly indicate that the work It was first published in this Journal.

c. Authors are allowed and recommended to publish their work on the Internet (for example on institutional or personal pages) before and during the process.
review and publication, as it can lead to productive exchanges and a greater and faster dissemination of published work.

d. The Journal authorizes the total or partial reproduction of the content of the publication, as long as the source is cited, that is, the name of the Journal, name of the author (s), year, volume, publication number and pages of the article.

e. The ideas and statements issued by the authors are their responsibility and in no case bind the Journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this Journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or use for other purposes.

