Changes in soil cover in Nechí, Antioquia: An approach to the environmental impact of mining, 1986-2010

The municipality of Nechí (Antioquia, Colombia) has a long mining history associated with the extraction of gold. This paper evaluates the evolution of land cover changes caused by this mining activity over 24 years. The spatial analysis was based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of three LANDSAT images (1986, 1996 and 2010). The difference in NDVI values between 1986 and 2010 were used to determine the actual state of vegetation, the direction of change (improvement, stability or deterioration), and the area associated with each soil cover. Polygons for different types of coverage (forest, pasture, bare soil, and water bodies) were extracted from each satellite image to quantify the changes and develop land cover maps for each year. Results show that almost 124.8 km² of forest have been lost during the analyzed period. By contrast, water bodies gained an area of 66.3 km². Both results may be related to the type of gold exploitation in the region.Keywords
GIS, Landsat, Mining, NDVI, Soil cover
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