Characterization of DLC/Si coatings under the influence of a simulated biological fluid William Vargas, José Luis Caballero-Gómez, Willian Arnulfo Aperador-Chaparro PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
A Regulations’ Survey for the Wireless Telecommunications Deployment in Colombia José Gustavo Morales-Guarín, Herman Antonio Fernández-González, Paola Astrid Ortega-Sánchez PDF HTML
Concrete prepared with rain water as an environmental contribution from the construction Carlos Mauricio Bedoya-Montoya, Carlos Andrés Medina-Restrepo PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
Effect of colombian coal rank and its feeding technology on substitute natural gas production by entrained gasification Juan Fernando Pérez-Bayer, Rolando Barrera-Zapata, Carlos Alberto Salazar-Jiménez PDF HTML
Bootstrap and Jacknnife resampling in reliability: case exponential and Weibull Javier Ramírez-Montoya, Ignacio Osuna-Vergara, Jessica Rojas-Mora, Stalyn Guerrero-Gómez PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
Removal of lubricant added to iron powder metallurgy, with abnormal plasma discharge glow Pedro Vicente Rodríguez-Fonseca, Armando Sarmiento-Santos, Carlos Mauricio Moreno-Téllez PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
Effect of impurities in the physical-chemical properties of a copper mineral leaching solution Patricio Navarro, Cristián Vargas, Carlos Ramírez PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
Simulation of a grid network with virtual machines to create a learning environment of high performance computing Edwin Eduardo Millán-Rojas, Adriana Patricia Gallego-Torres, Diana Carolina Chico-Vargas PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
Improvement of abrasive wear resistance of the high chromium cast iron ASTM A-532 through thermal treatment cycles Oscar Fabián Higuera-Cobos, Florina-Diana Dumitru, Dairo Hernán Mesa-Grajales PDF HTML