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The teaching of design in front of the violence of the project


The designs have always been in front of the violence of the Project. Since it is applied to the human, in the commercial invasions of the Renaissance or guillotining history in the bourgeois revolutions, it was necessary that the project itself be revealed to remember the humanist sense, -for the search of the legitimacy of the autonomy of the human being-, which it contains within itself as the ideal of applied reason. The history of design showed it that way until the end of the last century. But this violence has changed; it no longer applies only to imposing the results as calculations of domination of the other —to obligate the other to submit to the logic of the projects—, at present the project has turned into self-violence, —there is no subject if it is not a project— much more effective as an aggression of absolute submission, although it retains its promise of freedom. This change must be kept in mind for the design proposals that must be carried out now to maintain the dignity of each and every one of the subjects, before becoming mere projects of themselves. And, of course, this must have its correlate in the learning of the design and in the pedagogical criteria that may be applied: the teaching of design in front of the violence of the project.


design; project; violence; reflection in/on the action; educative process.

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Author Biography

Miquel Mallol-Esquefa

Diseñador, Doctor en Filosofía.


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