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About the Journal

Ciencia en Desarrollo is a journal edited by Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. This journal is peer-reviewed open access that publishes research articles in the field of basic sciences. These include studies that relate preferably; biology-ecology, environmental, materials and energy, foods-biotechnology, theoretical and experimental physics and, statistical and mathematics models of direct interest and impact in the basic sciences. Ciencia en Desarrollo is subject to a thorough double-blind review of the received articles written in English. Two issues are published each year. 


e-ISSN: 2462-7658

ISSN: 0121-7488

DOI prefix of CeD: 10.19053/issn.0121-7488

Indexers: Scielo, REDIB, Latindex, Publindex, EBSCO, Periodica



Focus and Scope>

Ciencia en Desarrollo is a journal edited by Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. This journal is peer-reviewed open access that publishes research articles in the field of basic sciences. These include studies that relate preferably; biology-ecology, environmental, materials and energy, foods-biotechnology, theoretical and experimental physics and, statistical and mathematics models of direct interest and impact in the basic sciences. Ciencia en Desarrollo is subject to a thorough double-blind review of the received articles written in Spanish or English. Two issues are published each year. 


Peer Review Process

The editorial team will evaluate each other manuscripts received and whether it is within the scope of the journal and complies with the instructions for authors, it will be named anonymous evaluators (at least two) who are experts in the subject, preferably external to the publishing entity. Once evaluated by reviewers through the double-blind way, the editorial team of the journal will decide on the acceptance or not of the manuscript for publication.


Open Access Policy

Ciencia en Desarrollo provides open access for consultation and downloading its content, based on the principle that offers the public free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge. The authors keep the moral copyright on their articles.



Publication Frequency

Biannual publication frequency. From January to June and from July to December.


Statement of ethics

All information provided by referees is confidential and it will not be used for any different than the conduct of the evaluation process. Reviewer experts will be covered by principles of confidentiality and no conflict of interest.

1. Manuscripts submitted to Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo must be original and not be sent simultaneously to another journal in any language (see Author Instructions).
2. Submitting articles implies that all authors express their agreement for possible publication in Ciencia en Desarrollo.
3. Confirm that the manuscript submitted is agreed with internationally accepted ethical standards. The Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo assumes that the results have been obtained with the approval of the Ethics or Bioethics committee of the institution submitting the proposal; however, in the case that any referee requires it, authors should supply the respective support.
4. The authors transfer the publishing rights to the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia and Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo in its printed and online forms.
5. Provide information about research funding.
6. Report immediately to the editor if an error is identified in the article.
7. Collaborate with the editor to publish an erratum if required.
Editorial Board
1. Ensure that the authors make proper use recognition of bibliographical sources presented in the article, avoiding any plagiarism.
2. Assign to the reviewers, articles related to their academic interests.
3. Maintain confidentiality at all stages of the review process.
4. Ensure compliance with the times and established processes for editing the publication.
5. Ensure that reviewers make a critical evaluation.
6. Ensure that no conflict of interest arising during the process of editorial management.
7. Accept or reject an article and attend any requirement during the editing processes that affect the ethics and quality.
1. The referees should conduct a critical review
2. The referees must maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by the Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo.
3. Inform the editor of any plagiarism detected in the manuscript evaluated.
4. Not reject articles that go against their theories or tastes.
5. Fill out the evaluation form with the parameters set by the Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo.
6. Inform the editor of the potential conflict of interest regarding the assigned article.
Ciencia en Desarrollo
If the manuscript evaluated is accepted for publication, the Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo, assumes the rights to edit and publish in national and international indices or databases with use academics and scientists, non-commercial purposes, respecting the rights authorship.
Readers and General Public
1. The behaviors of misconduct and unethical can be identified by anyone and it must be brought to the attention of the editor at any time.
2. Anyone can report not appropriate behavior and provide sufficient evidence to initiate a formal investigation is given. 



Article processing charges (APCs)

Ciencia en Desarrollo do not require article processing charges.


The policy of Screening for Plagiarism

Ciencia en Desarrollo uses Turnitin software.


Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Sources of Support

* Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia