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Income inequality in Colombia: empirical evidence in the period 1990-2018


This paper studies and describes income inequality in Colombia and its average schooling, using cross-sectional data from different specialized databases for the period 1990 to 2018, in order to highlight recent
dynamics of inequality reduction. These dynamics go against the trend of gradual increase in income inequality that developed economies have experienced since 1970. The cross-data show that the apparent
improvement in the average educational level in Colombia, used as a proxy variable for the average level of human capital, is concomitant with the reduction of income inequality.


Inequality, Income Inequality, Economics of Education, Colombia

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Author Biography

Juan Sebastian Salazar Garcia

Máster en Economía. Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Madrid, España Dirección de correspondencia: Cra 53 #131A-40 Bogotá.


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