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The concretion of an illegality The administrative character of the Asambleas Departamentales


The author makes a detailed explanation of the impossibility of Departmental Assemblies to make taxes, due to the fact that this is an exclusive right of Congress. He concretely attacks the disposition that fixes a tax on Boyacá telephone users in benefit of sports in the area.


Imposition with representation, Unitary state, Tax system, Administrative law, Assemblies, Attributions, Taxes

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Author Biography

Jorge Enrique Patiño Rojas

Profesor facultad de derecho, UPTC.


  • RESTREPO, Juan Camilo, 1996, Hacienda pública, 3° edición. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia.
  • LOW MULTRA, Enrique y GÓMEZ RICARDO, Jorge, 1993, Teoria Fiscal Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Departamento de publicaciones.
  • SUESCÚN, Armando, 1998, Derecho y Sociedad en Colombia. Tomo 1, Tunja, Universidad dagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.
  • , Derecho y Sociedad en Colombia, Tomo II, Tunja, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.


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