Traces of the first Colombian telenovela and its historical reference with human rights
The intended work aims to clarify the theme of the soap opera, the history, the situations of the detention centers and women. For this, from the book by E H Carr What is history? (Carr,1978) there are two citations in mention:
One from The Cambridge Modern History: Its origin, Authorship nad Production (1907), pp. 10-12. “We cannot, in this generation, formulate a definitive history; but we can do away with conventional history, and show what point we have reached on the journey from this to that, now that all the information is accessible, and that every problem is capable of being solved. The other with reference to The New Cambridge Modern History, i (1957), p. XXIV-XXV, which reads: “The exploration does not seem to have limits and there are impatient researchers who take refuge in skepticism, or at least in the doctrine that, since all historical judgments implies people and points of view, all are equally valid and there is no historical truth - objective- " Carre, 1978)
Now, more than a hypothesis. there is the reflection between soap opera and history and reality to say that fiction is not pure in its essence but that it resorts in part to reality as well as to historical memory.
It has a research design that seeks to trace a real event that is identified with the fictional situation without leaving the historical within the dynamic, which allows marking boundaries between that reality, fiction and history.
In the study it was evidenced that circumstances converge in a time and place way not only in reality but also in history and fiction.
What has been said shows the results to be connected in a harmonious way between reality and theory and allows the follow-up of future studies or subsequent analysis from the framework of Law in the line of the chronicle.
Tv, history, law, fiction, reality, chronicle, review
Author Biography
Over Humberto Serrano Suárez
Lawyer from the Universidad Libre with a master's degree in Political Studies; master's degree in Criminal Law and Criminology; specialization in Legal Sociology, Forensic Anthropology, Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Book author and international speaker
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