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Constitutional basis of the adversarial criminal justicesystem in a social State of law


This scenario is suitable to consider some aspects related to the constitutionalization of criminal law as a categorical expression of a genuine democratic State of law focused on human dignity, with the subsequent humanization of justice administration. The Constitution of 1991 should be applied preferably in judicial activity. It implies that this norm went from being formal to material source of law, i.e., that decisions to be taken in any kind of judgment or procedures should consider the Constitution -understood composed of the so-called Constitutional Bloc-, because so ordains its article 4: “The Constitution is the supreme law and prevails over any other provisions contrary to it”. It is precisely this situation that led to a new constitutional criminal reading: rights and guarantees on top of adversarial principle and international law of human rights.


criminal law, Constitution, criminal system, adversarial principle, State oflaw, adversarial system

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Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, o “Pacto de San José”.Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y las LibertadesFundamentales.

Corte Constitucional.

Sentencia T-465 de 1994 C-599/92, C-412/93, C-19/93,C-114/93, C-176/94, C-179/94, C-214/94, C-428/94, C-509/94, SU-44/95, C-37/96, C-218/96, C-339/96, C-427/96, C-431/96, C-432/96, C-491/96, C-597/96, C-609/96, SU-620/96, SU-624/96, C-657/96, C-690/96,C-40/97, C-198/97, C-239/97, C-346/97, C-475/97, C-510/97, C-540/97,C-5/98, C-56/98, C-145/98, C-184/98, SU-250/98, SU-429/98, C-573/98,C-133/99, C-369/99, C-836/01, C-641/01, C-416/02, C-591/05.

Corte Suprema de Justicia. Sentencia 24.468 de 30 de marzo 2006.

Declaración Americana de los Derechos y Deberes del Hombre.

Declaración de Derechos del Buen Pueblo de Virginia.

Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.

Ferrajoli, L. (1995). Derecho y Razón. Madrid: Trotta.Bases constitucionales del sistema penal con tendencia acusatoria en un Estado social de derecho

Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional.

Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos.

Reglas de Mallorca.

Roxin, C. (2000). Derecho procesal penal. Buenos Aires: Editores del Puerto.


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