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“Buen vivír” and constitutional rights within the constitutional and democratic State in Latin America


This reflection article aims to reference the theory-practice relevance of Constitucional rights looking for the good life, on the environment of the constitutional and democracy State whith the permanent interacition between Constituient power and constituted power in Latin America. Furthermore accompained by constitucional interpretation like suported of constitutional judge on the guaranty exercise and protection of constitutional rights together neo constitutionalism evolution. It is found that Latin America has changed the Creole constitutional postulate of the 19th and 20th centuries under the line of constitutionalism or neo-constitutionalism, which delegates the protection of constitutional rights to the interpretive normative and discretionary sphere of the judge that in many occasions minimizes or maximizes the rights.



Constituient power, constituted power, Constitutional Democracy State, Constitutional rights, Buen vivír, Neoconstituionalism

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Author Biography

Carlos Alfonso Cárdenas Hernández

Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Colombia

Juan Pablo Hernández Zorro

Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Colombia


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