Dynamic Lighting System to Increase the Attention of Design Students in the Classroom

Dynamic lighting is playing a key role in education, by considering the main photometric variables such as the correlated color temperature and the illuminance to increase student’s attention levels inside the classroom. In the case of design students, the project component is fundamental for teaching, where students mainly need to develop activities such as presentation to listen to the teacher instructions, ideation and sketching to propose a solution according to the problem being addressed, and exhibition to present the work that has been done. These activities require specific and adequate lighting conditions to generate a positive impact on the performance of students. This article presents the design of a dynamic lighting system capable of adjusting the correlated color temperature in a range from 2500 K to 6500 K and the illuminance levels in a range from 0 lx to 800 lx to enhance the sustained and fixed attention of design students inside the classroom according to the type of activity that is being developed. The performance of the system was evaluated experimentally by measuring student’s attention inside the ergonomics and usability laboratory by using the Gesell chamber, the Emotiv Epoc EEG Headset with 14 electrodes to measure the brain activity and obtain engagement and focus levels, the eye tracking Tobii glasses, and a protocol to evaluate performance including several surveys and camera observation. In conclusion, the dynamic lighting system can improve the attention of design students by configuring the photometric variables according to the type of activity that is being done.
attention, color temperature, dynamic lighting, education, illuminance, industrial design
Author Biography
Andres Eduardo Nieto-Vallejo, M.Sc.
Rol: Data curation, Formal Analysis, Software, Validation, Writing-Original draft, Writing- review editing.
Jorge Enrique Camacho, M.Sc.
Rol: Conceptualization, Data curation, Methodology, Project administration, Writing-Original draft.
Roberto Cuervo-Pulido, Ph. D.
Rol: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing-Original draft, Writing-review editing.
Edgar Hernandez-Mihajlovic, M.Sc.
Rol: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing-Original draft.
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