Structural analysis of the JBW (Na-J, barrer and white) zeotype obtained from kaolinite-rich clay

The JBW zeolite was prepared from hydrogels under hydrothermal conditions by alkaline reaction, using NaOH as activating agent. The synthetic zeotype was studied by analytical techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 29Si and 27Al Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance. Crystallographic data revealed that the JBW structure can be described by the orthorhombic space group Pna21, with unit cell parameters a=16.409(2) Å, b=14.966(2) Å and c=5.2154(5) Å.
hydrogels, JBW structure, orthorhombic, space group, unit cell, zeotype
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