Detailed description and comparative analysis of techniques for tracking the maximum power point of solar panels using OpenModelica

This paper explains, implements, analyzes and compares the performance of the following techniques for Maximum Point Power Tracking (MPPT) of a solar panel: 1) Perturbation and Observation (P&O), 2) constant voltage, 3) simple scaling, and 4) incremental conductance. The detailed description of each technique is presented as the first contribution of the paper, so that engineering students and engineers can more easily understand them and see their advantages and disadvantages. The techniques were implemented in OpenModelica, where a commercial solar panel controlled by a Boost converter is simulated.
OpenModelica has two MPPT blocks based on the classical P&O algorithm, therefore, blocks with the algorithms of the other techniques were created as the second contribution of the article. Simulation results show that the constant voltage technique has the worst performance, it is slow, and its efficiency drops considerably with temperature changes, so its use is not recommended; while the incremental conductance technique presents the best performance with irradiance and temperature changes.
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