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The current criminal process


The professor explains the Colombian penal process in its different stages, suggesting a methodology for the study of the diverse institutions that are present in the Colombian penal process system.


Prosecutor General of the Republic, Instruction, Public Hearing, Liability, Guarantees, Penal process

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Author Biography

Luis Fernando Quiroga Rojas

Professor of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UPTC. Abogado, Specialist in Criminal Law, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


  • ROXIN, Claus, 2000, La evolución de la politica criminal, el derecho penal y el proceso penal, Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, España.
  • SUÁREZ SÁNCHEZ, Alberto, 2001, El debido proceso penal,
  • Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia. MARTÍNEZ RAVE, Gilberto, 2001, Procedimiento penal colombiano, Bogotá, Editorial Temis.


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