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German constitutional jurisdiction and fundamental rights


The fundamental rights inGermanyaredividedintosubjective publicrights andsimplyin dividual rights. The former are unchangeable because they are part of the essence of theGerman political systemand thelatter are oflegislative development. TheGerman Constitution has created constitutional institutionsto distinguishwhatisconstitutional of the regular,such as writ of protection, theconcrete and abstractcontrolof norms, whi chseeksto breakwith thepresumption ofconstitutionalityand legalityinlegal, adminis trativeandjudicial decisions.


concrete and abstract control of norms, general jurisdiction, constitutional jurisdiction, writ of protection, simple subjective rights

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  1. HABERLE, P. El legislador de los derechos fundamentales. En: LOPEZ PINA, A La garantía constitucional de los derechos fundamentales en Alemania, España, Francia e Italia. Madrid: Civitas, 1991.
  2. IBLER, M. La protección de los derechos fundamentelas por los tribunales federales es pecíficos y por la Corte Constitucional Federal, En: Universidad Santo Tomás. Seminario internacional de derecho alemán. Bogotá: Alfil, 2003.
  3. SIMON, H. Jurisdicción Constitucional. En: LOPEZ PINA, A. Manual de derecho constitu cional. Barcelona: Marcial Pons, 2001.


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