Corruption and the constant violation of human rights
The violation of human rights is essential in conflict situations or contexts, given that State
restructuring, usually linked to internal corruption processes, is constantly linked to the
violation of fundamental rights. Based on this premise, the purpose of this document should
be emphasized. It proposes an overview of the way in which corruption establishes a
sequential structure of human rights violations. Then, it is intended to present an outline of
a historical framework of Colombian corruption, and the different ways in which this
phenomenon has been presented. Likewise, to present the internal armed conflicts of the
nation, clearly permeated by state corruption, as a sort of trigger for the current situation in
Colombia. To finally conclude with immunity from the underlying consequences of the
violation of human rights.
State, corruption, history, Human rights
Author Biography
Camilo Andrés Ibarra Sánchez
Master in Human Rights from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia - Uptc,
Lawyer of the Juan de Castellanos University Foundation. Master in Private Law,
Person and Society with an Emphasis on Contractual, Extra-contractual Civil Liability and
State, from the Externado de Colombia University (Bogotá). External professor of the
Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia - Uptc - Private Law Area, headquarters
Tunja; Professor at the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino Open and Distance Education (VUAD);
Professor at the "General Rafael Reyes" Police School (ESREY) of Santa Rosa de
Viterbo (Boyacá); Founding member, CEO and trial lawyer of “In Ius Vocatio
Attorneys - Legal Support ”; litigant in Civil Liability cases
(contractual and extra-contractual), of the State, employer's fault and fiscal responsibility.
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