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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article is an original work, resulting from a research process, in compliance with the publication norms and approach established by Historia Y MEMORIA journal.
  • The material sent to the journal complies with internationally recognized ethical norms.
  • In submitting an article, the author must also attach Author and Article Information Form.
  • The article complies with the Parameters for Manuscript Submission and Citation Guide established in the journal.
  • The article has not been simultaneously sent to another journal.

Author Guidelines


Dear author, the following pages describe the editorial procedures for the publication of articles in Historia Y MEMORIA:

  1. Journal Scope
  2. Periodicity
  3. Code of Ethics for Authors
  4. Evaluation Process
  5. Manuscript Submission Parameters and Citation Guide
  1.   Journal Scope

Historia y MEMORIA is the History journal of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. This journal is a means of reflection and dissemination of research experiences in the field of History for researchers, professors and readers. Its pages are meant to become a space of constant dialogue and exchange of reflection on historiographical, epistemological and critical issues, to consolidate and strengthen academic community.

History refers to the permanent dialogue between past and present, change and permanence, duration and event, linear and cyclical, diachronic and synchronic. It refers to a system of thought that gives an account of society in time.  Memory, on the other hand is one of the fields that configure our recent past, constituted by a convergence of practices, social representations, collective imagination, and ways in which the population identifies itself in a context.

The purpose of Historia Y MEMORIA journal is to disseminate unpublished research-based essays and articles in any historiographical field.

Three types of articles, linked to research processes, are accepted:

According to the Publindex Permanent Service Guide for Indexed Journals, articles accepted for blind peer review must correspond to the typology of «Research article»:

The term «research article», refers to a document presenting the original and unpublished results of research processes. These may be reflection or review articles.

- In a reflection article, the author must present research results regarding a specific topic, from an analytical interpretative or critical perspective. Its development is based on original sources.

- A review article must systematize and integrate the results of published or unpublished research, in a given field of history, with the aim of studying its advances and historiographical trends. This kind of article must present a careful bibliographical review of at least 52 references.

2. Periodicity and Publication Frequency

The journal has semesterly periodicity: January-June and July-December. Following international norms on period visibility, issues are published at the beginning of the semester: the first issue (January-June) in February and the second (July-December) in August.

3.    Code of ethics for authors

Authors must:

  • Confirm that the material sent to the journal complies with internationally recognized ethical norms.
  • Inform the journal of the name of research project the article derives from and the source of research funding (if such is the case); in addition to curricular and correspondance information, as well as confirmation that the article has not been simultaneously sent to another journal. (See Author and Article Information Form).
  • Confirm that the article is an original work, resulting from a research process, in compliance with the publication norms established by Historia Y MEMORIA journal. (See Authorization for Use of Intellectual Property Rights).
  • Notify the editor immediately if an error is found in the article.
  • If necessary, cooperate with the editor in the publication of an Erratum.

4. Evaluation process

Once the article is received, the Editorial Board assesses whether it complies with the journal´s manuscript submission parameters and citation norms. After this, the thematic relevance of the article is studied, in accordance with the objectives of the journal´s “Special section” and “Free Topic Section”. The “Special Section”, corresponds to articles discussing the central topic of each issue, with  established submission times defined by each call for papers; the “Free Topic Section” receives historiographical production articles on diverse topics, and is open year round

After approval by the Editorial Board, the article is evaluated by two anonymous peer reviewers, which may be international or national experts on the topic, and who will conclude their evaluation in 30 calendar days, sending it to the Editorial Committee in the given Evaluation Format.

All evaluation results will be communicated to the author. The article may be approved without modifications, approved with modifications, or definitely denied. If the evaluation is positive, the author will receive the evaluator´s observations, and will adjust and correct the article in a period of no longer than 15 days. The article will be rejected if it is not modified within this period of time, or if it does not incorporate the suggestions in a comprehensive manner. If the article receives one positive and one negative evaluation, it will be submitted to a third reviewer, who´s decision shall be to no appeal. In case of rejection by both evaluators, publication of the article will be automatically denied; this decision will be communicated immediately to the author.

After receipt of the amended article and approval for publication, the author will be informed about its approval and publication, and will be asked to fill in the Authorization for Use of Intellectual Property Rights. By signing this document, the author(s) grants Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia the reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution rights of this article, in order for it to be included in the journal.

Once the article is published, authors will receive 2 copies of the journal issue; peer evaluators will receive 1 copy each. 

5.     Parameters for Manuscript Submission and Citation Guide

Manuscript Submission Parameters

All articles must be submitted through the OJS Open Journal System. All authors must register in the system in order to submit their article. (See Registration and Submission Guide)

In submitting an article, the author must also attach Author and Article Information Form, including the following information:

  • Author information: Name, academic training, current position, institutional affiliation, e-mail, research group, research lines, last 3  publications, complete residential information or correspondence address.
  • Article information: title, title of research project associated with article, funding institution (if pertinent), initial and final dates of the research project.
  • Declaration that the article has not been simultaneously submitted for evaluation in other journals.

The article must be sent in Word format, without the author’s name, and must not exceed 18 pages in A4 size paper (letter format, 8.5 x 11 inches), single spaced, using Century Schoolbook font size 11, with  3 cm. margins on the left and right, and 2.5 cm. margins on the top and bottom of the page.

The article should contain: Title, Analytical Summary, Keywords, Introduction, Development of the work, Conclusions and Bibliography. The journal will provide English and French translations of titles, summaries and keywords once the article has been accepted for publication.

Title: Must refer to content aspects of the article, preferably from a spatiotemporal perspective.

Analytical Summary: Presents the objectives, methodology, content and results of the article, with a maximum length of 200 words, in the original language.

Key words: Are 4 to 6 words that describe the content of the document; these must be presented in the original language of the paper.

Introduction: Must include the methodology used in the research development. Must be numbered.

Development of the work: Subtitles must continue the numbering initiated in the Introduction. All paragraphs should be justified, with the first line indented 1 cm.

Footnotes must be in the same font, with font size 9, and should be marked with Arabic numbers before the punctuation sign.

Quotation mark use. We recommend using Spanish or Latin quotes (« ») in the first place, reserving English quotations (“ ”) and single quotations (‘ ’) for quotes inside quotes. Single quotes will be used in the last case. For example: it was in 1990 when «the minister said: “all of those who are ‘undocumented’ must return to their place of origin”, a situation which provoked a great protest».   

Quotations of four lines or longer must use long citation format, single spaced, font size 10 and 1 cm. indent on the left and right. NEVER USE ITALICS FOR QUOTATIONS; ONLY IF USED IN THE ORIGINAL TEXT OR IF THE AUTHOR INDICATES THEIR INTENTIONAL USE IN A FOOTNOTE. Long quotations (4 lines or longer) do not use quotation marks at the beginning and end, and will be set apart from the previous text. If the quotation starts in the middle of a sentence, brackets [...] should be placed at the beginning and end; use parentheses (…) if the sentence is cut. For example:

[...] these men, -he said- are the most persistent, the most obstinate (…) the will of the people is clearly against us, for, having read to them here my terrible indictment, they exclaimed that I would first have to pass over their dead bodies, that the Spaniards were selling them, and that they preferred to die than to yield […]

Tables, graphs, illustrations, photographs and maps should be referenced and explained in the text. These must be located immediately after the paragraph in which they are mentioned. Likewise, they must be center-justified, sequentially numbered and include captions and source(s). If the paper is accepted for publication, the author must provide the individual files of graphic material used; images must be in .jpg format, with a resolution of 300 dpi or greater. It is the author's responsibility to obtain and submit the necessary authorization for publication of the figures that require it.

Conclusions: in this section authors recapitulate the contribution of their research to knowledge, highlighting its pertinence, relevance and projection for for the scientific community.    

Bibliography: The bibliography cited in the text must be included at the end of the article, using Century Schoolbook, font size 10, with a 1 cm. French indent.

Citation Guide

Historia Y MEMORIA Journal uses an adaptation of the Chicago Style Manual, 16th edition. For the first citation of any reference, use a footnote with the complete reference information. After the first citation, use an abbreviated footnote. Never use: Ibid., ibidem, or op. cit. In the following pages we provide examples that illustrate differences in citation format for footnotes, abbreviated footnotes and bibliography, for different kinds of sources.

Single author books


Name and Last Name(s), Title (City: Editorial, date), pp.

Example: James Scott, Domination and the Arts of Resistance. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990), 30-32.

Abbreviated footnote

Last Name(s), Summarized Title, pp.

Example: Scott, Domination and the Arts, 39.


Last name(s), Name. Complete Title. City: Editorial, year.

Example: Scott, James. Domination and the Arts of Resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990.

 Two or three authors


Name and Last Name(s) and Name and Last Name(s), Title (City: Editorial, year), pp.

Example: Stephan Haggard and Robert Kaufman, The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995), 28.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last name(s) and Last Name(s). Summarized Title, pp.

Example: Haggard and Kaufman, The Political Economy, 30.


Last Name(s), Name and Last Name(s), Name. Title. City: Editorial, year.

Example: Haggard, Stephan, and Robert Kaufman. The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1995.

Four or more authors

Footnotes must include the complete name of the first author, followed by «et al.» or «and others». All authors must be cited in the bibliography.


Name Last Name(s) and others, Title (City: Editorial: year), pp.

Example: Hollis Chenery et al., Redistribution with Growth (London: Oxford University Press, 1974), 22.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s) and others, Summarized Title, pp.

Example: Hollis et al., Redistribution with Growth, 23.


Last name(s), Name, Name Last Name(s), Name Last Name(s) and Name Last Name(s). Title. City: Editorial, year.

Example: Chenery, Hollis, Ahluwalia Montek S., C. L. G. Bell, John H. Duloy and Richard Jolly. Redistribution with Growth. London: Oxford University Press, 1974.

Editor, translator or compiler instead of author


Name Last Name(s), ed./trans./comp., Title (City: Editorial, year), pp.

Example: Norman E. Whitten, ed., Cultural Transformations and Ethnicity in Modern Ecuador (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981), 25.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s), Summarized title, pp.

Example: Whitten, Cultural Transformations, 26.


Last Name(s), Name, editor/ translator / compiler. Title. City: editorial, year.

Example: Whitten, Norman E., ed. Cultural Transformations and Ethnicity in Modern Ecuador. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981.

Editor, translator or compiler as well as author


Name Last Name(s), Title, ed./trans../comp. Name Last Name(s) (City: Editorial, year), pp.

Example: Michel Foucault, Ethics, Subjectivity and Truth. The Essential Works of Michel Foucault. Vol. 1, ed. Paul Rainbow, trans. Robert Hurley and others (New York: The New York Press, 1997), 201.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s), Summarized title, pp.

Example: Foucault, Ethics, subjectivity, 23.


Last Name(s), Name. Title. Edited / Translated / Compiled by Name Last Name(s). City: Editorial, year

Example: Foucault, Michel. Ethics, Subjectivity and Truth. The Essential Works of Michel Foucault. Vol. 1. Edited by Paul Rainbow. Translated by Robert Hurley and others. New York: The New York Press, 1991.

Book chapter, or other book section


Name Last Name(s), «Chapter Title», in Book Title, ed./com/coord. Name Last Name(s) and Name Last Name(s) (City: Editorial, year), pp.

Example: Frederick Jaspersen, «Growth of the Latin American and East Asian Economies,» in Pathways to Growth: Comparing East Asia and Latin America, ed. Nancy Birdsall and Frederick Jaspersen (Washington, D. C.: Inter-American Development Bank,  1997), 85.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s), «Summarized Chapter Title», pp.

Example:Jaspersen, «Growth of Latin American,» 86.


Last Name, Name. «Chapter Title». In Book Title, edited/compiled/ coordinated by Name Last Name(s) and Name Last Name(s). City: Editorial, year. Initial and final pages of chapter.

Example: Jaspersen, Frederick. «Growth of the Latin American and East Asian Economies.» In Pathways to Growth: Comparing East Asia and Latin America, edited by Nancy Birdsall and Frederick Jaspersen. Washington, D. C.: Inter-American Development Bank, 1997. 57-87.

Preface, prologue, introduction or similar part of a book


Name Last Name(s), preface/prologue/introduction to Book Title, by Author Name Last Name(s) (City: Editorial, year), pp.

Example: Peter Burke, preface to The Historian's Craft, by Marc Bloch (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992), vii.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s), preface/prologue/introduction, pp.

Example: Burke, preface, xv.


Last Name(s), Name. Preface/ prologue/ introduction to Book title by Author Name Last Name(s), chapter pages. City: Editorial, year.

Example: Burke, Peter. Preface to The Historian's Craft, by Marc Bloch, vii-xviii. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992.

Electronic book obtained from library or bookshop

Please indicate e-book format (PDF, Microsoft reader e-book, PDF e-book, Kindle edition, etc.).


Name Last Name(s) and Name Last Name(s), Title (City: Editorial, year) e-book format, pp./chapter/section

Example: Homi Bhabha, The Location of Culture (London: Routledge Classics, 2004), Kindle edition.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s) and Last Name(s), Summarized Book Title, pp.

Example: Bhabha, The Location.


Last Name(s), Name and Name Last Name(s). Title. City: Editorial, year. Edition format.

Example: Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge Classics, 2004. Kindle edition.

Book consulted online

Footnote: Name Last Name(s) and Name Last Name(s), Title (City: Editorial, year), pp/chapter/section, date of access, URL or DOI.

Example: Marc Bloch. The Historian's Craft (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992), 23, accessed August 17, 2016,

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s) and Last Name(s), Summarized Book Title, pp.

Example: Bloch. The Historian's Craft, 34.


Last Name(s) Name and Name Last Name(s). Title. City: Editorial, year. Date of access. URL or DOI.

Example: Bloch, Marc. The Historian's Craft. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992. Accessed August 17, 2016,

Printed or online journal article

Include digital object identifier (DOI) of printed journal articles at the end of the footnotes and bibliography. If journal articles do not have a DOI, then include date of access and URL address.


Name Last Name(s), «Article Title», Journal Title vol: n° (year): pp, DOI

Example: Juanita Solano Roa, «The Mexican Assimilation: Colombia in the 1930s - The case of Ignacio Gómez Jaramillo,» Historia Y MEMORIA, n° 7 (2013): 80, DOI:

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s), «Summarized Article Title», pp.

Example: Solano Roa, «The Mexican Assimilation,» 34.


Last Name(s), Name. «Article Title». Journal Title volume, n° (year): initial and final article pages. DOI

Example: Solano Roa, Juanita. «The Mexican Assimilation: Colombia in the 1930s - The case of Ignacio Gómez Jaramillo.» Historia Y MEMORIA, n° 7 (2013): 79-111. DOI:

Press article

If article is consulted online, date of access and URL must be included at the end of the reference. If the article does not have an identified author, begin citation with Article Title.


Name Last Name, «Article Title», Newspaper Title, City, month day, year, pp.

Example: Ashley Parker and Maggie Haberman, «Trump Turns to Combative Media Chief in Staff Shake-UpThe New York Time, New York, August 17, 2016.

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s), «Summarized Article Title», pp.

Example: Parker, «Trump Turns,» 4.


Last Name(s), Name, «Article Title.» Newspaper Title, City, month day, year.

Example: Parker, Ashley and Maggie Haberman. «Trump Turns to Combative Media Chief in Staff Shake-UpThe New York Time, New York, August 17, 2016.

 Book Review


Name Last Name(s), review of Book Title, by book Author Name Last Name(s). Corresponding publication data. DOI or URL

Example: Luis Gabriel Galán Guerrero, review of Foundations of Modern International Thought, by David Armitage, Historia Crítica, n° 57, (2015):167. DOI:

Nota abreviada:

Last Name(s), review of Summarized Title, pp.

Example: Galán Guerrero, review of Foundations of Modern, 168.


Last Name(s), Name. Review of Book title, by Book Author Name Last Name(s). Corresponding publication data. DOI or URL. 

Example: Galán Guerrero, Luis Gabriel. Review of Foundations of Modern International Thought, by David Armitage. Historia Crítica, n° 57, (2015):166-170. DOI:



Name Last Name(s), «Thesis Title» (B.A, M.A., Ph.D., Institution, year), pp.

Example: Catarina Cardoso, «Property Rights and the Environment at the Global and Local Levels: Brazilian Amazonia and the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve » (Ph.D. thesis, Univ. London.  London School of Economics and Political Science, 1999), 40.

Nota abreviada:

Last Name(s), «Summarized thesis title», pp.

Example: Cardoso, «Property rights and the environment,» 45.


Last Name, Name. «Thesis title». B.A/ M.A/ Ph.D thesis, Institution, year.

Example: Cardoso, Catarina. «Property Rights and the Environment at the Global and Local Levels: Brazilian Amazonia and the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve.» Ph. D. thesis, Univ. London.  London School of Economics and Political Science, 1999.

Conference or paper presented at academic congress or similar event


Name Last Name(s), «Conference or Paper Title» (Conference or Paper presented at Name of Event, City, Institution, date).

Example: James D. Henderson, «An Overview of Historical Memory Study in Colombia» (Paper presented at the annual meeting of SECOLAS (South Eastern Council of Latin American Studies), Panama City, Panama, March 6-10, 2013).

Abbreviated footnote:

Last Name(s), «Summarized Title of Conference or Paper». 

Example: Henderson, «An Overview of Historical Memory.»


Last Name(s), Name. «Conference Title or Paper». Conference/Paper presented in Name of Event, City, Institution, date.

Example: Henderson, James D. «An Overview of Historical Memory Study in Colombia.» Paper presented at the annual meeting of SECOLAS (South Eastern Council of Latin American Studies), Panama City, Panama, March 6-10, 2013.

Interviews and personal correspondance

Reference to interviews is normally included in the text («In conversation with the author on March 10, 2010, the photography director admitted that…») or in a footnote, and generally omitted from the bibliography.


Interviewee Name Last Name(s) (profession or occupation), interview by Interviewer Name Last Name(s), month day year.

Example: Nepomuceno López (pensioner), interview by Olga Yanet Acuña Rodríguez, July 8, 1999.

Abbreviated footnote:

Interviewee Last Name(s), interview/discussion/conversation.

Example: López, interview.


Interviewee Last Name(s), Name. Interview by Interviewer Name Last Name(s). Month day year.

Example: López, Nepomuceno. Interview by Olga Yanet Acuña Rodríguez. July 8, 1999.

Archive sources


«Document Title», Place (if applies), date (if applies), Archive Name (ABBREVIATION), City – Country. Section Section Name, Fund Fund Name, vol., leg., t., f. o ff.

Example: «Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands» Arkansas, 1865-1872, The National Archives at Atlanta (NAA), Atlanta - United States of America, Records of the Field Offices for the State of Arkansas, M1901.

Abbreviated footnote:

ARCHIVE ABREVIATION, «Document Title», folios or consulted pages.

Example: NAA, «Bureau of Refugees», M1901.


Complete Archive Name (ABBREVIATION), City – Country. Section Section Name, Fund Fund Name.

Example: The National Archives at Atlanta (NAA), Atlanta - United States of America. Records of the Field Offices for the State of Arkansas.

Legal document

Note: In legal and public documents, references to documentation are generally mentioned in the development of the text. For other fields of knowledge, especially academic ones, that use legal or public documents as a source of reference, the document is mentioned both in the text and in a footnote.


Law/Act #/year, day month, description of law or norm.

Example: Resolution 217 A (III)/1948, December 10, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  

Abbreviated footnote

Law/Act#/year, month day.

Example: Resolution 217 A (III)/1948, December 10.


Law/Act #/year, month day, law or norm description.

Example: Resolution 217 A (III)/1948, December 10, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.



«Page Title», Website Title, Access on month day year, URL or DOI

Example: «Making a leader,» United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, accessed August 19, 2016,

Abbreviated footnote:

«Summarized Title of Webpage».

Example: «Making a leader.»


Website Title. «Título de la página». Access on month day year, URL or DOI

Example: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. «Making a Leader.» Accessed August 19, 2016, 

Copyright Notice

Licencia de Creative Commons

Revista Historia Y MEMORIA by Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
