Microstructure and mechanical properties of GTAW welded joints of AA6105 aluminum alloy Minerva Dorta-Almenara, María Cristina Capace 7-19 Abstract 2203 PDF 1050 HTML 3620 PDF HTML
Production of building elements based on alkali-activated red clay brick waste Rafael Andres Robayo-Salazar, Ruby Mejía de Gutiérrez, Alexandra Jimena Mulford-Carvajal 21-30 Abstract 1710 PDF (Español) 826 HTML (Español) 1767 PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
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Acoustic lung signals analysis based on Mel frequency cepstral coefficients and self-organizing maps Álvaro David Orjuela-Cañón, Hugo Fernando Posada-Quintero 73-82 Abstract 1269 PDF 549 HTML 896 PDF HTML
Fractographic classification in metallic materials by using 3D processing and computer vision techniques Maria Ximena Bastidas-Rodríguez, Flavio A. Prieto-Ortíz, Édgar Espejo-Mora 83-96 Abstract 1549 PDF 644 HTML 1181 PDF HTML
Effect of rainfall infiltration on the hydraulic response and failure mechanisms of sandy slope models Juan David Montoya-Domínguez, Edwin Fabián García-Aristizábal, Carlos Alberto Vega-Posada 97-109 Abstract 1370 PDF 629 HTML 1079 PDF HTML
Dual silent communication system development based on subvocal speech and Raspberry Pi José Daniel Ramírez-Corzo, Luis Enrique Mendoza 111-121 Abstract 1482 PDF (Español) 694 HTML (Español) 1027 PDF (Español) HTML (Español)