Digital Transformation: Opportunity or Threat to Employability? Rolando Rojas-Romero, Héctor Valdés-González, Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo PDF XML
Systematic Mapping of the Harmonization of SCRUM and ISO 9001 Darly-Liliana Burbano-Delgado, César-Jesús Pardo-Calvache, Carlos-Eduardo Orozco-Garcés PDF XML
Study of the Impact of Adding Dried Biosolids to Portland-Type Cement when Making Mortars Johan-Felipe Hernandez-Garcia, Laura-Julieth Sánchez-Perdomo, Gabriel-Santiago Silva-Vega PDF XML
Towards Digital Transformation: Serverless Function Deployment Strategies Armando Cabrera-Silva, José Carrillo-Verdún, Patricio Martínez-Palacios, Daniel-Alejandro Guamán-Coronel PDF XML
ModeLab - Web Tool for the Modeling of Bus Rapid Transit Systems Carlos-Robinson Campo, Juan-Pablo Salazar, Carlos-Alberto Cobos-Lozada PDF XML
Do We Perceive a Gender Gap in Careers Associated with Technologies? Jenny Morales-Brito, Germán Rojas-Cabezas PDF XML
Prediction of Electricity Consumption Profiles Using Potential Polynomials of Degree One and Artificial Neural Networks in Smart Metering Infrastructure Pablo Urgilés, Juan Inga-Ortega, Arturo Peralta, Andrés Ortega PDF XML