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About the Journal

La Revista Ingeniería, Investigación y Desarrollo, creada en 2005, es una publicación científica, con periodicidad semestral, editada por la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; instituida como un espacio para divulgar los trabajos académicos y de investigación sobre temas relacionados con el área de ingeniería y tecnología de  investigadores regionales, nacionales y extranjeros.

Recibe para su publicación trabajos inéditos en español e inglés, enmarcados en una de las siguientes tipologías,  artículos de investigación científica y/o tecnológica, artículos de reflexión y artículos de revisión, los cuales son sometidos a evaluación académica, el proceso de arbitraje de los artículos se realiza en la modalidad de doble ciego, garantizando la confidencialidad y anonimato de autores y árbitros. La revista no cobra a los autores ningún costo de procesamiento ni de presentación de los artículos, esta es financiada por la Institución editora.

La Convocatoria es permanente, se reciben artículos para publicar durante todo el año.

Ingeniería Investigación y Desarrollo  (Ing. Investig. Desarro.)                                                       

ISSN: 1900-771X  (Impreso)

ISSN: 2422-4324 (En línea)

Focus and Scope

Focus and Scope  

The Journal of Engineering, Research and Development I2+D, created in 2005, is a biannual publication of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Sogamoso Campus. It publishes academic and research studies related to Engineering and Technology conducted by regional, national and foreign researchers.  

The I2+D Journal is aimed at the academic and research community of regional, national and international institutions both public and private, i.e., researchers, groups, research incubators, professors, students, and faculty board of engineering and other people interested in topics related to the different areas of engineering. This journal is published through different dissemination channels including trade with the engineering faculties of the major universities in Colombia, departmental and national libraries, and events related to this area. Similarly, its publication is available on the website


The Journal of Engineering, Research and Development I2+D publishes original and unpublished articles by Colombian and foreign authors. It addresses subjects related to both theoretical and practical research in the disciplines of engineering. The journal is recognized for its stability, scientific and editorial quality, visibility and accessibility. Its content meets the requirements of scientific quality standards determined by national indexing and the goal is to meet international standards.

Submission Guidelines 

Articles submitted to the journal should comply with the characteristics of any of the types of documents of research and innovation listed on the National guide of journals indexed in Publindex or whoever is acting on its behalf (Colciencias, 2006).  

Articles of scientific and technological research: Documents that show, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The document must contain at least: abstract, introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. 

Opinion articles: Documents that show the research results of completed projects from an authors’ viewpoint with an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective about a particular topic based on original sources. 

Review articles: Documents that show the results of a finished research that analyze, synthesize and integrate results of published and unpublished research on a field of science or technology, in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a literature review of at least 50 references.

Articles submitted to the journal I2+D must be original and must not have been published elsewhere or submitted simultaneously in other journals or publishing agencies. Along with the article, an authorization letter signed by the author (s) in charge of receiving communications from the journal must be sent. 

Authors should be registered in the OJS platform of the journal [] in order for them to make online submissions of the article and the transfer or rights letter and to create a folder with images kept to a minimum of 300 dpi.

Peer Review Process


Articles should be submitted via the Open Journal System (OJS) platform or by the email of the journal using the template provided by the journal. Firstly, the submissions will be reviewed by the editor and/or the editorial board, who will take this manuscript into consideration to be evaluated by peer reviewers in the issues under discussion, this process takes 5 working days. The documents that pass through this first stage will be sent for evaluation by internal or external peers, who decide on the quality of the particular manuscript for publication. Based on the recommendations expressed by peers on the quality of the manuscript, the editorial board will establish the acceptance of articles for publication.

The revision of the content and quality of the manuscripts will be in charge of the Review Board, made up by qualified professionals with extensive knowledge and academic and scientific expertise in the topics covered in each article.  Manuscripts are submitted to at least two peer reviewers, who will issue their opinions on the quality and relevance of each contribution, taking into account important aspects such as coherence and quality of the manuscript; originality of content; scientific rigor; methodological aspects; intelligibility and coherence; academic relevance and timeliness, and references, among others. Similarly, the peer reviewers of the Journal determine, confidentially, that the manuscript evaluation follows these standards: i) acceptance without any changes, ii) acceptance with minor revisions, iii) acceptance with major revisions or iv) rejection of the paper. 

For this peer revision stage of articles the Journal established within one and two months, a period which mainly depends on the achievement, acceptance and timely response of the reviewer. 

In order to facilitate the revision process, reviewers will receive an Evaluation Form a long with manuscript. 

Adjustments submissions

If the article requires minor or major content adjustments, it will be sent and communicated to the authors via email establishing a deadline of two weeks to review and sent an improved version.

When articles require minor format adjustments, the editorial board and/or editor reserves the right to make appropriate adjustments. In all cases, authors must submit an additional report of the changes that were made in the new proposal, they should also highlight in the document where modifications or adjustments were made. 

If there is not response from the authors by the deadline, the article will be rejected; the authors’ unwillingness to continue with the publishing process will be understood.

Articles that adequately meet the parameters and quality requirements in the evaluation process will be accepted for publication.  In case of conflicting feedback between reviewers, the text will be sent to a third referee, whose decision will recommend the paper’s publication worthiness. At the end of the revision stage, accepted articles shall pass through copyediting, layout and publication processes, which take four weeks.

 Articles rejection

Besides validating the advances in knowledge in our subject areas, the objective of the evaluation process in the Journal of Engineering, Research and Development is to improve and enrich the contributions so as to obtain high quality articles. Thus, I2+D expects authors to benefit from the reviewers' comments, when a document is rejected for publication. In this case, it can be submitted to the journal, and the author is asked to report in detail to the editor that the article has been restructured according to the feedback without exceeding three months. The article may require a new peer evaluation. An article will be ultimately rejected when it does not comply with editorial requirements or the topic of the journal.


The journal uses double-blind review to guarantee confidentiality and anonymity of authors and referees.

Publication Frequency

The I2+D Journal is a biannual publication (published in January and July). Submissions are accepted year-round.

Open Access Policy

This journal is open access; the content of the Journal will be available online to the authors in order to have a greater global exchange of research and scientific knowledge presented in each of the articles published in the Journal.

Article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges

This Journal does not charge the authors no cost of processing or submission of articles.

Explanatory notes

The Editor and the Editorial Board of the I2+D Journal decide on the publication of the originals. Submissions of articles to the journal do not guarantee publication. If the article does not comply with the following standards it may be rejected without being evaluated: the format differs from the template provided by the journal, the breach of the standards of the journal, or sending manuscripts that do not belong to the engineering department.  

The I2+D Journal will not publish the following scientific malpractice: plagiarism, data fabrication, infringement of intellectual property of others and duplicate publication.                

Submissions of articles for evaluation process do not guarantee publication in the Journal of the Engineering, Research and Development. 

The I2+D journal accepts submissions year-round; calls with specific dates will be only opened for special issues, with particular subjects. 

If the Editorial Board does not confirm receiving the submission in eight (8) days or if you have not received a reply during that time, please redirect your email to:

When an article is approved, the author (s) transfer the publishing rights to the I2+D Journal.

Statement of Ethics and Best Practices Revista Ingeniería Investigación y Desarrollo ISSN 1900-771X E- ISSN 2422-4324

The Revista Ingeniería Investigación y Desarrollo, follows the “Good practices guide for journal publishers” (, the ethics regulations by the Committee On Public Ethics (COPE), and the ruling of the habeas Data-Law bylaw 1266 of 2008 on how to handle personal information stored in databases. 

Authors’ Commitments: 

To submit qualified and unpublished material: intelligibly and precisely written, showing scientific research results, practical experience of the profession or a review of a specific subject must be related to an engineering topic. 

To submit the articles using the template provided by the guidelines of the journal (if a document does not meet the requirements it will pass through the evaluation process). 

To respect intellectual property and to acknowledge other authors’ work, and listing the information sources that come from third parties.

To guarantee that the material are original, unpublished by the author and not duplicated. 

To provide accurate and complete information on each of the references (literature, hemerographic, electronic, etc.) included in the article. 

To avoid plagiarism, falsification, fabrication or omission of meaningful material. 

To observe all requests of the reviewers regarding the article content and format; all disagreements should be clearly stated in a written response. 

To highlight all corrections and recommendations suggested by the reviewers in the document. 

To send all the information requested by the Journal Engineering, Research and Development in an accurate, precise and responsible manner. 

To be available for both the director and the editorial assistant to clarify queries that may arise during the editing process and answer all the questions regarding authenticity of authorship or sources of information used, and do so in a timely manner.

Reviewers Commitments: 

To respond the review request sent by the Journal of Engineering, Research and Development in a timely manner, through the same means in which the request was sent. 

To suggest suitable independent reviewers if the article is not focused on the reviewers’ work area or if the reviewer does not have the available time. 

To review the manuscript responsibly, objectively and impartially. 

To send the evaluation of the article with the adjustments clearly explained using the format provided by the Journal of Engineering, Research and Development. 

To send the evaluation without exceeding the deadline specified in the invitation to review the article sent by the journal I2+D. In case the article cannot be reviewed in time, ask the board to extend the evaluation period.  

To use polite language and respect the authors’ work in the review. 

To maintain absolute confidentiality about the content of the article and the results of the review. 

Editor and Editorial Board Commitments: 

To protect the journal reputation by sharing only unpublished academically and scientifically relevant material. 

To publish each issue in a timely manner. 

To make an assessment of prior contributions to the peer review process that includes the adjustment of the guidelines defined by I2+D journal. 

To specify whether or not materials are subject to evaluation. 

To accept or reject papers received by the Editorial board based on anonymous assessments and policy of the journal, without moral or political judgments. 

To maintain at all times a reciprocal confidentiality with the authors and the evaluators.

To make a transparent editing and publishing process with full respect for the authors.

To be available to both authors and evaluators in order to clarify any doubts that may arise during the peer revision and editing process. 

Dispositions no covered here will be solved based on the "Good practices guide for journal publishers" and the COPE (Committee On Public Ethics).
