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Life project and retention young talents in the Eje Cafetero, Santanderes and Valle de Aburra

Enero - Junio 2019


The purpose of this research essay is to demonstrate the hypothesis “There is a positive relationship between entrepreneurship and happiness as a realization of life projects that facilitates local development and the reduction of migrations of talented young people in the metropolitan areas of Coffee Region, Santanderes and Aburra Valley." In other words, how do young university students see the future of work in their municipalities? What confidence does the future growth of their municipality offer them? The research is based on the international indexes of: Multi-dimensional Well-Being and Integral Happiness. For this purpose, 1780 questionnaires were carried out, using the multivariate analysis method, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. The study concludes that Cucuta, Medellin and Manizales are the cities that most retain their young talent.


subjective happiness, intersubjective happiness, city equipment, Life project

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