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Review of the diagnosis of production water treatment in Colombian petroleum fields


This article aims to study the methods of water resource management in the petroleum industry. This research looks for scientific information obtained in databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, or Redalyc, and inquiries extracted from government reports, Colombian legislation, and operations of companies belonging to the hydrocarbon sector such as Ecopetrol or Pacific, among others, are reviewed. With the data, conventional and non-conventional methods of separation between water and crude petroleum are classified. Finally, three uses given to the produced water in Colombia are highlighted: injection, surface discharge, and adaptation as irrigation water in agricultural activities.


groundwater, treatment, oil field, petroleum

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Author Biography

Angie Tatiana Ortega Ramírez

Ingeniera Química, Ingeniera de Petróleos, Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos, Magister en Gestión Ambiental para la competitividad y Doctoranda en Sostenibilidad con experiencia en la formulación y ejecución de proyectos ambientales para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (Recurso hídrico, Identificación de sitios contaminados, minería y uso de mercurio, salud ambiental, entre otros) Docente investigadora y líder de investigación del grupo GIGAS en la Fundación Universidad de América. Experiencia y conocimientos en el área de certificación ISO 9001, ISO 14000 e ISO 45000, Certificación en Coaching Gerencial


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