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Training bench design for practical valve coefficient determination, standard VDI/VDE 2173


It is presented the design of a training bench for determining the flow coefficient of control valves, based on standard VDI/VDE 2173 that sets indications for this test. Preliminary sizing of the bench follows ergonomic considerations, taking into account the Colombian population anthropometrics. Structural elements of the device are designed by contrasting both failure analysis equations with finite element analysis results using SolidWorks.


ergonomics, structure design, test bench, flow coefficient, solidWorks

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Author Biography

Javier Roldán-Mckinley

Profesor Programa de Ingeniería Mecánica

Universidad del Atlántico

César Alejandro Zambrano-Miranda

Ingeniero Mecánico

Egresado de la Universidad del Atlántico

José Francisco Alonso-González

Ingeniero Mecánico

Egresado de la Universidad del Atlántico

Luis Campo-Escudero

Ingeniero Mecánico

Egresado de la Universidad del Atlántico

Ricardo Araújo-Segura

Ingeniero Mecánico

Egresado de la Universidad del Atlántico


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