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Present and future of the tecnnology GPS (Global Positioning System) in the Geodynamic Applications in Colombia


Since 1988, Ingeominas has been using the GPS technology as a component of the geodynamic phenomena's study. The experience gained during several years of field work forr GPS data collection, processing and interpretation, gave rise the need to make and additional effrot to implemenr a National Wide GPS Permanent Network that will contribute to the geodynamic phenomena's understanding, especially that one related to seismic and volcanic deformation. This document presents some general aspects, about the GPS technology's current situation and its future use with that purpose; technology wich has been used successfully in many countries, in the development of the research programs oriented to the disasters prevention. 




GPS, satellite geodesy, geodynamics, tectonic deformation

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  • Mora H. and Trenkamp R. (2005): Crustal deformation studies in Colombia, in proceedings trimble dimensions 2005 user conference, the Mirage, las Vegas, USA, October p. 23-26, 2005.
  • Mora H. y R. Trenkamp. (2006): Investigaciones geodésicas satelitales, en informe final microzonificación sismica de Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
  • Papadimitriou, E. (1993):Long-Term Earthquake prediction along the western coast of south and Central America and based on a time predictable model, pure appl. geophys, p. 140: 301-316.
  • Trenkamp R.J. Kellogg, J. Freymueller and H. Mora (2002): wide plate margin deformation, southern central america and northwestern south america, CASA gps observations, journal of south american earth sciences 15, Elsevier, pergamon press, p. 157-171.
  • Trenkamp R. y H. Mora (2005): Ejemplos de aplicaciones geodésicas satelitales gps en estudios post-sismo en Colombia. memorias X congreso colombiano de geología, ingeominas Bogotá, ISBN 958-701-557-6.
  • Zumberge, J.F., M.B. Helfin, D.C. Jefferson, M.M. Watkins and F. H. Webb, (1997): Precise point positioning for the efficient and robust analysis of GPS data from large networks. Journal of geophysical research, B. solid earth and planets, 102:5005-5017.


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