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The hydro-sediments characterization and the erosive processes of the rivers Cesar and Guatapurí, medium course


The Cesar River originates in the South East edge of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, and crosses the departament of the Cesar, the Guatapurí River is also born in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, it ends in the right bank of the Cesar River, down watters Valledupar City. Geologically both are framed by the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta's igneous-metamorphic complex. The Cesar and Guatapurí Rivers present different and contrasting hydro-sedimentologic characters. The Cesar River shows a high sinuosity, a presence of sedimentation bars, the gradient are gentle; a high relatonship of suspenden silts/load channel, high rate of lateral migration, and intense erosive phenomena and deposit on bars of silits. We can classify as braided, and from the point of view of the development state, it con be considered as a young system characteristic of mountainous regions. 




hydro-sedimentology, sedimentation bar, lateral migration, accretion deposits, point bars, braided, bank, superficial glide

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  • Concept Ltda (1966): Impacto ambiental de la explotación de material de arrastre de los ríos Cesar y Guatapurí.
  • Corpocesar-Ingeominas (1994): Estudio de zonas críticas en el departamento del Cesar. municipio de valledupar, río Guatapurí, tramo Puente Hurtado- Río Cesar.
  • Corpocesar-Ingeominas (1995): Estudio geotécnico e hidráulico del río Cesar y sus areas Cenagosas. Santa Fe de Bogotá.
  • Corpocesar-Ingeominas (1995a): Convenio interadministrativo. Evaluación de aguas subterráneas en el departamento del Cesar.
  • Ecocarbon - Corpocesar (1996): Atlas ambiental del departamento del Cesar.
  • Leopold, L.B. & M.G. Wolman (1957): River Channel patterns-Braided, Meandering and Straight. US geologgical Survey Professional Paper 282 (B):39-85.
  • Schumm (1977). The fluvial system. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 338.


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