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The anthropization pollen and non pollen and non pollen palynomorphs indicators: an example


High resolution pollen analysis of a peat bogs (Rascafría, Valle del Lozoya, Madrid) allowed to reconstruct the dynamic of the vegetation comunities of the last 2455 ± 60 BP, as well as the anthropic signals from the Prehistoric to the present time. A paleolandscape of pasture dedicated to transhumant and transterminant cattle activities define different levels of anthropic pressure. This study reveals the importance of the use of the pollen and non-pollen (NPP) proxies of anthopic activity in the determination of the palaeoecological conditions and human impact on the environment, allowing in this example, to characterize the livestock and the identification of the changes in the trophic status of the peatbog.





anthropization, pollen, non pollen palynomorphs, Madrid, holocen

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