Diagenetic features in the "paleozoico de La Jagua", Garzón-Huila

The creek Caguancito, in Garzón (Huila) outcrops the best exhibition of the unit known as "Paleozoico de La Jagua". From the detailed raising of the section, 560 hand samples were collected and 50 thin sections were carried out from which 24 were stained with red alizarine and potassium ferricyanide for its diagenetic analysis. From this analysis, some typical processes of each one of the main diagenetic environments that reacted on the rocks of this unit such as micritization and fibrous calcite in isopachus (marine environment), precipitations were identified. It has been determined a successive exhibition of the unit, with influence of meteoric waters, where calcite meteoric cement filling was allowed along, with a progressive burial that further lead to processes such as the calcite ferrous cement fillings, carbonates silifications and pressure-dissolution structures among others. The obtained information has allowed to determine the posdeposition conditions and to the elaboration of a generalized model of diagenetic evolution.
paleozoico de La Jagua, diagenesis, diagenetic environment, micritization, cementation, silicification
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