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Late paleocene tectonic events at western cesar sub-basin from provenance analyses


Cesar sub-basin is between diverse composition massifs, and it has a complex history that involves several superimposed tectonic events. Integration of provenance analyses is useful to find compositional changes and time of massifs uplifting. It can explain high subsidence in late paleocene for this area (there are more than 600 m preserved in 3 Ma). Integration of U/Pb zicon dating, petrography and paleocurrents suggest for early paleocene a southeastern source area, with probable influence of Santander massif.  Changes of U/Pb associations and sandstones composition suggest a new source area for late paleocene-early eocene, due to tectonic uplifting from the west. Paleocurrents shows also detrital supply from west (Santa Marta Massif, Central Cordillera) and east (Perijá Range). oligo-miocene U/Pb associations and petrography are typical from Santa Marta Massif and Perijá Range. Oligo-miocene U/Pb associations and petrography are typical from Santa Marta Massif and Perijá Range.


Cesar sub-basin, paleocene, provenance

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