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Detailed stratigraphic study of La Paila formation in the La Uribe-Sevilla section, hydrocarbon potential reservoir in the Cauca-Patía basin


The importance of this detailed analysis of the La Paila formation in La Uribe - Sevilla (Valle) section, sponsored by the ANH, arises from the contribution of stratigraphic data on the cenozoic rocks that compose this formation, which correspond mainly to coarse clastic levels, tuffs, green lodolitas and plants remains; this formation is in the vicinity of the Nogales formation, a hydrocarbon generating unit, the reason why La Paila formation could constitute a potential reservoir. The facial analysis of this section indicates that the sedimentation is alluvial. It reveals massive clast-supported conglomerates (debris flows), clast-supported conglomerates with imbrications, trough-cross-bedded and planar-cross-bedded conglomerates (gravel bars). The parallel-flat-laminated sands, the massive lodolitas and the clast- supported conglomerates with imbrications are produced by non-canalized flows when floods and correspond to deposits of alluvial fan and braided streams. During the sedimentation volcanic activity will take place, something from which evidence is found in the tuff levels. In previous geologic studies the La Paila formation the has been correlated with different litologic units of the Valle del Cauca due to the scarse stratigraphic data, which has generated confusions in the up-to-date geologic maps. In the west part of the section rocks with different characteristics from the superficial rocks on the east part were found and they are separated by an important fault, suggesting two different litologic units.


La Paila formation, cenozoic, alluvial fan, braided currents

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