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About the Journal

The Revista Inquietud Empresarial is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scientific and academic research in the field of business, management, production, and business economics on an ongoing basis. RIEM performs double-blind peer review of original research, case studies, methodologies, review articles, bibliometrics, and scientometrics. Papers related to the areas of sustainability, innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, production, service, and decision making are welcome. Papers that employ diverse analytical techniques, including statistical tools, qualitative tools, fuzzy systems, aggregation operators, and non-parametric models, are also considered. Furthermore, RIEM encourages the submission of papers that contribute to the interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary aspects of emerging issues in the field of business, management, production, and business economics.

The journal aims to provide researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers with ideas and original research on topics of importance.

Indexed in  Google académicoRedib, Academia, DOAJEmerging Sources Citation Index

ISSN Impreso: 0121-1048

ISSN en Línea: 2422-3220


The Revista Inquietud Empresarial is a journal that publishes original scientific and academic publications on an ongoing basis. It promotes interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research on emerging issues in the field of business, management, production, and business economics. Potential submissions may be classified as follows:

Research: This type of article presents in detail the original results.

Methodologies or Methods: This type of article presents a new experimental method, test, or procedure. The method described may be completely new or may offer an improved version of an existing method.

Review Articles: This type of article presents a broad summary of research on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state and prospects of the scientific field. These studies may be literature reviews or state of the art.

Bibliometrics and Scientometrics: This type of article presents a comprehensive and systematic review of the topics of interest to the journal. This review identifies the trends and bases of a particular field, as well as the influence and performance of scientific publications.

In addition, the fields addressed in the journal include the following:

Sustainability: Papers dealing with topics related to corporate sustainability, social responsibility, stakeholders, policies for sustainability, social and circular economy, and implementation of the SDGs are considered.

Innovation and technology: Papers dealing with topics related to technological business development, business and social innovations, knowledge transfer, artificial intelligence in business and the economy are considered.

Entrepreneurship: papers dealing with topics related to entrepreneurial intention, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and economy, business models, small businesses and entrepreneurs, creativity, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurship education and emerging issues.

Management, production and service: papers dealing with topics related to industrial and manufacturing processes, optimization, logistics, marketing, industry 4.0, sustainable processes, supply chain, business management, risk management, employment, knowledge management, projects, quality, productivity, consumer behavior, digital marketing, neuromarketing, communication, e-commerce, and emerging markets.

Decision making: papers dealing with topics related to risk and uncertainty focused with business finance, corporate finance, strategy, fuzzy systems and aggregation operators applied to business, finance and economics, forecasting and modeling.


The editorial board and external evaluators will review all manuscripts before the approval of any publication. All the evaluations of the submitted manuscript will follow a double-blind peer-review process.

The evaluation process will be previously known by the author, who will also be warned, in written form, that the evaluation process of his or her article will keep strict anonymity; that is, the author will not know who reviewed his or her article, in the same fashion, the reader will not know the name of the author either (double-blind process).

The evaluated article may have four (4) results:

  • Publishable without modifications
  • Publishable with minor modifications

When it is considered publishable with minor modifications, the Editorial Committee and the Editor in Chief will determine if the work after receiving the corrections from the author/s is publishable in this version or if it needs another round of peer review.

  • Needs another round of peer review

When it is considered as needing another round of peer review, the author is informed of the corrections, and decides whether or not to undertake them; if the author decides not to address the proposed adjustments, he/she must communicate this decision in writing to the Editorial Committee.

  • Not publishable.

The evaluation process of the article will last a maximum of six (6) months from the date of receipt, and the evaluators will have a maximum period of two (2) calendar months to judge the quality of the article. The Editorial Committee will finally decide whether or not to publish the articles and the number of the edition in which they will be included. In the case of divergent opinions between the two evaluators, the article will be sent to a third party, to settle the controversy.


This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research assists in the greater global exchange of knowledge.


The Revista Inquietud Empresarial is aimed at researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers.


Contribute to the generation of knowledge and to the solution of problems in the regional, national and international environment, through the construction of spaces that make possible the diffusion and visibility of socially useful scientific research products in the field of economic and managerial sciences.


For Revista Inquietud Empresarial, the submission of an article indicates that the author(s) certify(s) and accept(s) that:

  1. The article has not been published, nor accepted for publication in another journal or public document.
  2. The ideas and statements made by the authors lie under their responsibility and do not necessarily intend to the opinions and policies of the journal or necessarily respond to the opinion of the Editor.
  3. The reception of an article does not imply any commitment from the Inquietud Empresarial Journal to publish it.
  4. Its reproduction and citation are authorized for academic purposes when explicitly citing the source.
  5. Once the document is published in Revista Inquietud Empresarial it will not be published in another journal.


The Revista Inquietud Empresarial seeks to promote scientific dissemination of excellence and is committed to complying with the standards of quality and ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. To this end, the journal adheres to the guidelines and ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Articles published in the Revista Inquietud Empresarial are subject to compliance with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications established by COPE, and the different declarations and legislation on intellectual property and copyright. Therefore, authors of articles accepted for publication and presenting research results must sign the statement of originality and assignment of rights, conflict of interest, and ethical considerations.


The journal has "Zero Tolerance" for cases of fabrication, falsification, omission of data, and plagiarism.

      • Fabrication of results is caused by showing data invented by the authors.
      • Falsification results when data are manipulated and changed at the whim of the authors.
      • Omission results when the authors deliberately conceal a fact or data.
      • Plagiarism occurs when an author presents his own ideas and data created by others. The cases of plagiarism are the following: direct copy of a text without quotation marks or citing the source, modification of some words of the text, paraphrasing, and lack of acknowledgments.

The detection of plagiarism can be checked by three means:

      1. Check by the committee.
      2. During the reviewer's evaluation
      3. With the use of a plagiarism prevention tool. All articles will be checked by Turnitin software before being sent to the reviewers.


To comply with the provisions of article 10 of decree 1377 of 2013, regulation of law 1581 of 2012, The UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGÓGICA Y TECNOLÓGICA DE COLOMBIA, considered as responsible and/or in charge of the processing of personal data, states that personal data of our authors, members of the different committees and peer evaluators, are included in our databases; for the foregoing and in compliance with current legal provisions, the University will always request your authorization, so that in developing its own functions as an Institution of Higher Education, especially those related to teaching, extension and research, the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia may collect, collect, store, use, circulate, delete, process, exchange, compile, process, update, transmit and/or transfer to third countries and use all kinds of data that has been supplied and incorporated in the University’s databases.

The Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica Colombia is expressly and unequivocally authorized, in the terms indicated by Decree 1377 of 2013, to maintain and manage the information of our collaborators, unless they state otherwise by sending an email to the following account set up by the University for this purpose: /

Our authors, members of the different committees and peer evaluators, authorize that their personal data be processed by the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013.

In accordance with the procedures contained in the aforementioned regulations, the holders may exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete their personal data by sending their request to the email address:


The Revista Inquietud Empresarial is a continuous publication of the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, its objective since its creation in 1988 until today is to generate a scientific space to disseminate the written work of academics and researchers -domestic and foreign-. Its publication is continuous, with two issues January - June, and July - December of the corresponding year.


Inquietud Empresarial Journal does not apply any publication fees or processing articles charges (article processing chargin [APC]) for manuscripts submitted by the authors.


This journal provides immediate free access to its content on the principle that research should be made freely available to the public, which encourages a greater global knowledge exchange.


The current Copyright system establishes a scheme in which "All rights are reserved". In contrast, Creative Commons offers tools that allow authors to freely and securely choose a "Some Reserved Rights " scheme.

Coexisting with the copyright system and promoting creative freedom, a scheme is proposed in which you do not have to ask permission to use the works, because permission has already been granted!

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The authors retain copyright while granting the right of publication of the first publication, with the work at the same time under the Creative Commons license.

The license allows the exchange of work and recognition of the authorship of the article and the first publication in this journal.

The works of the journal are under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows the work to be used when properly cited.

The authors are able to assume the additional contracts separately from the non-exclusive distribution version of the works published in this journal (for example, in the institutional repository or publish as a book), with the recognition of their first publication in this journal.


Inquietud Empresarial follows the digital preservation and information security policies of the university for its platforms, so that all its contents published in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) are preserved in time so that any interested reader can consult its volumes and issues in the future. Besides, it is also part of the International PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) project.  You can verify the current preservation of the journal in the "Archival Status" item of the following link:

Likewise, the journal allows its authors to self-archive the articles published in the journal in their respective institutional repositories, institutional web pages, or profiles in academic social networks (e.g., ResearchGate), as long as the original publication in the journal is cited, including the specific DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the particular manuscript.


    • Escuela de Administración de Empresas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas.

    • Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.