Call for paper Apuntes del Cenes Issue 80 (CLOSED)
ISSN 0120 - 3053 (print), 2256 - 5779 (on line)
Frecuency: Semestral
Versions: print, PDF, XML, HTML
Language: english and spanish
Evaluation Policy: double blind peer review
Copyleft: (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Subject: Apuntes del CENES invites you to submit articles for Vol. 44 No. 80
Deadline: March 24, 2025
The journal Apuntes del CENES is aimed at academic and research communities from public and private institutions, national and international, and others interested in topics related to the economy. The journal publishes original research articles, empirical or theoretical research articles.
The last date for submission of manuscripts is March 24, 2025.
Send your articles through OJS.
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