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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Article and cover: The article should not contain information (name, address, institution, email address) about the author (s). Also, the full article should be prepared according to the mentioned writing guidelines. The title page must contain the title of the article, information about the author (s) (if there is more than one author, for each of them - name, surname, title, institution, email and address, responsible author, etc.), abstract, keywords and JEL codes. All files must be sent in Word format. ( (Sample of manuscript, Cover Page))
  • Declaration of conflict of interest: For each article sent to Apuntes del Cenes, it is assumed that the author (s) send a signed declaration in JPEG or PDF format to demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest between the institution or organization where they work and Apuntes del Cenes . (Click for download).
  • Originality and Transfer of copyright: When the committee decided to publish an article, which is in the process of being published, the author will be asked for a signed format in JPEG or PDF transferring the copyright. (Click for Download)
  • Compliance with ethical principles: The author (or responsible author) must prepare a signed statement in JPEG or PDF format to demonstrate that the proposed work was not published anywhere before, not sent anywhere to be evaluated, so that all the Submitted work must be the author's own work based on scientific ethics and must not be plagiarized from other sources. (Click for download).
  • The data set: all data must sent in the Excel or in Zip format, the links to resources and websites used in the manuscript must be sent in the Word file. (Download dataset form).
  • Tables, graphs and supplementary materials: All the tables, graphs, figures, maps and other visual materials indicated in the article must be given in "a separate Word file". This separate file should also contain all supplemental materials at the end of the article.

Author Guidelines

  1. The articles must be submitted by OJS, registering and sending the word text file which must meet the following requirements: an extension between 5.000 and 10,000 words including notes and references (This file must not have reference to the authors for the evaluation to be anonymous).
  2. The information about the author(s) indicated in a footnote (with an asterisk): complete author(s) name(s), profession, current degree, current institutional affiliation, email and ORCID code.
  3. The paper will include the respective abstract, which may not exceed 250 words and should provide enough information for readers to identify the topic of the article. A well-written abstract generally addresses five key elements:

Purpose: describes the objectives and hypotheses of the research. Methods: describes important features of your research design, data, and analysis. This may include the sample size, geographic location, demographics, variables, controls, conditions, tests, descriptions of research design, details of sampling techniques, and data gathering procedures. Results: describes the key findings of the study, including experimental, correlational, or theoretical results. It may also provide a brief explanation of the results. Implications: show how the results connect to policy and practice, and provide suggestions for follow-up, future studies, or further analysis.

  1. Ten keywords must be included. Please search them in the Unesco Thesaurus. All items must bear the classification nomenclature Journal Economic Literature (JEL) (Min 5).
  2. The title should be explanatory and capture the essence of the work. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to change the title of the articles and make editorial changes deemed necessary, to give the item as clearly as possible.
  3. All articles submitted will include the next sections: introduction, a literature review, the methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and references (sample of manuscript).
  4. In the case of articles that use mathematical foundation, the author should make explicit what is the economic problem it aims to address and what the mathematical model used for this.
  5. Equations should be numbered consecutively and brackets ([1], [2], [3] ...). This numbering must be aligned to the right of the page. Mathematical symbols must be clear and legible. Subscript and superscript must be properly published.
  6. The graphs, tables (or tables), figures, maps and photos (if any) of submitted works will be presented in electronic format  should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text, and where it will be inserted is indicated (shall be of sufficient quality 300ppp to allow optimal playback. No tables are accepted, graphics or images copied from other works. Please send figures and graphs in PDF, SVG or WMF version.  Also, tables and graphs should be explained alone (without resorting to the text for your understanding), indicating the units and containing all the footnotes, and the corresponding full sources (for charts or tables it is suggested to use tool Table menu or programs word processors).Avoid excessive use of figures and graphs.
  7. The citations and reference list should be made solely on the 6th APA style. Ed. (American Psychological Association). (Please click for APA examples.)
  8. Notes Footer be solely for clarification or explanatory purposes.
  9. Citations must be submitted within the text, in the bibliography at the end of work will complete the record. The literature cited sources present only at work, in a section entitled: REFERENCES.

If bibliographical references are DOI, you must add them (You can consult the DOI with the Simple Text Qwery tool).

  1. When using an acronym or abbreviation, first his complete name and then, in parentheses, the term will be used in the rest of the document. If you highlight text in a word or phrase it is recommended to use italics or underline the words, avoiding the use of bold and quotes.
  2. Once the article has been accepted by the Editorial Committee, authors may include the sections: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, FUNDING, DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AND AUTHORS CONTRIBUTION, these will go after the conclusions and before the references. In these sections you can write down the following information: thanks to evaluators or personal thanks, if the research received funding from a public or private institution, if it is part or commitment of a grant, contract or research project. Finally, include a message of ethical responsibility about the work to be published, finally, a brief description of the contributions made by each author. We appreciate the use of the CRediT taxonomy for the authors' contribution section.
  3. Compliance with these standards is indispensable. Accepted contributions will undergo a process of editing; the authors recommended versions deliver a first correction. Furthermore, its publication is subject to the availability of space in each issue. In any case shall be returned the original manuscripts to the author, nor will the journal be responsible for them.

Note: Any situation not covered by these rules of publication, shall be settled by the Editorial Committee considering best practices and ethical aspects established by the agencies to guide publications and academic journals.

Copyright Notice

By submitting articles for evaluation, the author agrees to transfer the publishing rights to Revista Apuntes del CENES for publishing in any format or mean and that the attached partial use license will be signed.

The journal is under licence Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


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Habeas Data

To comply with the provisions of Article 10 of Decree 1377 of 2013, regulating Act 1581, 2012, UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGÓGICA Y TECNOLÓGICA DE COLOMBIA, held liable and/or responsible for the processing of personal data, states that personal data our   authors, members of the various committees and peer reviewers, are included in our databases; from the foregoing and in compliance with existing laws, the University will always ask their permission to use it in developing its own functions as an Institution of Higher Education, especially those related to teaching, extension and research, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia can gather, collect, store, use, move, delete, process, share, compile, treat, update, transmit and/or transfer to third countries and use the data on which have been provided and that have been incorporated in the databases of all kinds that lie at the University.

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia is authorized, expressly and unequivocally in the terms established by Decree 1377 of 2013, to maintain and manage the information of our collaborators, unless they express the contrary, to the following email account provided by the University for this purpose: comité and

Our authors, members of the various committees and peer reviewers, authorize that their personal data are treated by Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013.

In accordance with the procedures contained in the above rules, holders may exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete their personal data by sending a request to the e-mail.





Economic theory

Economic policy

Regional economics

Economía cultura y universidad


Biografías económicas

Historia económica

Economía y empresa

Artículos de investigación

Artículos de reflexión

Artículos de revisión