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About the Journal

Ciencia y Agricultura is an international six-monthly open access journal that spreads and discuss technical and scientific articles in the fields of agricultural sciences, veterinary and zootechnics. The journal seeks to publish original scientific advances developed by researchers at various universities and national and international research centers, with the goal of contributing to consolidate an academic community gathered around the agricultural sciences and its related disciplines.

Currently, Ciencia y Agricultura is edited and funded by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; therefore, publishing in this journal has no associated costs.

Articles are received to be published throughout the year.

The Journal is included in:

Databases: CAB Abstracts

Indexes and Directories: DOAJLatindex, SHERPA/RoMEO, EuroPub.

Journal Portals: REDIBDialnetRedalyc.

Focus and Scope

Ciencia y Agricultura is an international six-monthly open access journal that spreads and discuss technical and scientific articles in the fields of agricultural sciences, veterinary and zootechnics. The journal seeks to publish original scientific advances developed by researchers at various universities and national and international research centers, with the goal of contributing to consolidate an academic community gathered around the agricultural sciences and its related disciplines. Currently, Ciencia y Agricultura is edited and funded by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; therefore, publishing in this journal has no associated costs.

The Journal publishs: june 15,  and december 15 of each year. Articles are received to be published throughout the year.

Peer Review Process

Once an article is received, the editorial board conducts a preliminary revision to evaluate the pertinence of the topic and the fulfillment of the journal’s rules; this revision takes seven days. In case this revision is negative, the manuscript is returned to the authors to be adjusted; if the paper is indeed adjusted, it is sent to two peer reviewers experts in the field, outside the Institution. Reviewers have 20 days to evaluate the paper and decide whether it has the scientific level and the communicability qualities to be published.

In case of conflicting concepts regarding the acceptance of the manuscript, it will be sent to a third peer, who will deliver the final decision. This last revision will also take place in case one of the reviewers fail sending the evaluation within the 20 days. It is important to note that both the names of the reviewers and the names of the authors are kept in secret, complying with the double-blind criterion of the evaluation.

The decisions delivered by the peers, according to the evaluation format of the journal, are “Approve”, “Approve with changes” or “Rejected”. If the article is approved with changes, authors must incorporate the corrections and make the changes within five days; such changes are verified by the editorial board.

It is important to note that peer review is a rigorous process that guarantees the quality, originally, pertinence and innovation of the articles being published by the journal. Therefore, before reviewing, each peer must verify that the article’s topic is within his/her area of expertise and that does not have any conflict of interest (professional, personal or moral). The reviewer has 20 days to submit the evaluation.

Once the corrected version of the article has been received, it is sent to copyediting, which takes ten days, and is, subsequently, sent to the authors for its final approval.

The entire review process takes approximately two months, with constant communication with the authors.

Evaluator format.

Article Evaluation format .

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content , based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Statement of ethics and best editorial practice

Ciencia y Agricultura follows the “Good practices guide for journal publishers” (, the ethics regulations by the Committee on Public Ethics (COPE), and the ruling of the habeas Data-Law bylaw 1266 of 2008 on how to handle personal information stored in databases.

Authors, please note:

All manuscripts submitted for publication in Ciencia y Agricultura must have been exhaustively revised by the authors and should follow the regulations and guideless dictated by the journal.

Research conducted on humans or organizations should have the corresponding authorizations, which must be attached to the manuscript during the submission process.

Every manuscript must constitute an original contribution from each one of the signing authors. A translation is not considered an original work.

Although including assertions made by the authors in previous publications in different sections of the manuscript (e.g., definitions, introduction or methods) is not considered self-plagiarism, it is fundamental that the results and conclusions constitute unpublished and original material.

All authors must warrant that the contributions made in the article are original and unpublished, and that the paper is not concurrently being reviewed for publication elsewhere.

All authors must have contributed to the research and the preparation of the manuscript. People who did not participate in these activities or that participated only partially should be included in the acknowledgment section but should not be authors.

If the author of a manuscript is part of the editorial board of the Journal, he/she will be unable to participate in the revision and evaluation of such manuscript.

Reviewers, please note:

The editorial board invites peers who are recognized by their research experience on the topic of the manuscript to serve as reviewers. However, if the reviewer considers she/he does not have the qualifications, or the time, or has a conflict of interests to review the manuscript, he/she must notify the editorial board so it can assign a different reviewer.

The reviewers’ concept must be as clear and rigorous as possible, avoiding any offensive language, so the editorial board can make an informed decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.

All documents sent to the reviewers by the journal Ciencia y Agricultura are confidential and, therefore, should be used only for evaluation purposes. Citing the manuscript as unpublished or using its content before publication constitutes an inappropriate and non-authorized action.

Additionally, any plagiarism will be penalized by vetoing the author(s) for two years. Reproducing or rephrasing any section of a previous work without the corresponding citation is considered plagiarism. The following are also considered plagiarism:

- Using fragments from another document without quotations or the corresponding references.

- Copying and pasting directly from other sources without including the corresponding reference.

- Using tables, figures or any other visual material without acknowledging the source.

Plagiarism, either intentional or not, constitutes a grave and illegal act that may result in legal repercussions.

Publication of retractions and corrections

When necessary, Ciencia y Agricultura will publish corrections and retractions of the published manuscripts. The first case (corrections) corresponds to publishing an additional document in which mistakes are acknowledged and corrected. The second case (retractions) corresponds to publishing a document acknowledging any voluntary or involuntary imprecision in the original manuscript, such as plagiarism and manipulation of data or images that invalidate the results obtained, among others.

All other dispositions not expressed in this section will be solved taking into account the “Good practices guide for journal publishers” and the COPE. Moreover, all manuscripts submitted to the journal will be evaluated with the software TurnItIn to detect plagiarism.

Submistion and Publication Authorization

Here, I(we) certify that the content of the article __________________________________ is original, has not been published in any other printed or electronic journal, and is not being evaluated for publication anywhere else.

I(we) declare full responsibility of the article’s content and authorship, and warrant that the content is lawful and does not violate third person’s rights, such as intimacy and good name, among others. Therefore, I(we) assume the legal consequences resulting from violating the above.

I(we) certify this article complies with copyright regulations, and, given the case, it has the necessary permit to reproduce copyrighted material.

The author(s) retain the right to authorize a third party to reproduce, partial or totally, the article after it has been published in the journal as long as the original source of publication is cited. Any printed or electronic version of this article published after signing this agreement must cite the journal Ciencia y Agricultura.

Considering the above, the author(s) sign:



Full Name*

Identification Number

*This agreement must be signed by all authors; however, if this is not possible, the signing author(s) declare to be authorized to do so by the non-signing authors.


The journal Ciencia y Agricultura authorizes the total or partial reproduction of the published article, as long as the source, including the name of the Journal, author(s), year, volume, issue, and pages are cited.

The ideas and assertions expressed by the authors are their solely responsibility and do not represent the views and opinions of the Journal or its editors.

All articles included in Ciencia y Agricultura are published under the Creative Commons (BY) license.


The Journal manages Self-archiving PKP Preservation Network. The PKP Preservation Network (PN) provides free preservation services for any OJS journal that meets a few basic criteria.

Standardization policy for author names (Signature)

Authors should standardize their citation name (Signature) by entering Iralis and use it in the signature of the article to be cited correctly.