Control Evaluation for a Boost Converter via the PI-PBC \& IOC-PI Theories for Voltage Support in Linear Loads: Numerical validations in PSIM, PLECS, and MATLAB/Simulink

This paper presents a comparison of the voltage and current dynamic responses for the Boost converter in three different simulation software, namely PSIM, PLECS, and MATLAB/Simulink, while using two types of nonlinear controllers. The utilized controller designs are (i) proportional-integral passivity-based control (PI-PBC) and (ii) inverse optimal control with PI action (IOC-PI). The main advantage of the PI-PBC and IOC-PI controllers is that both ensure the stable operation of the converter via Lyapunov's stability theory. In addition, in both controllers, integral action enables the elimination of non-modeled dynamics in the converter by allowing it to reach the reference with minimal stabilization times. The results showed that, despite the fact that all utilized simulation software applications had their advantages, the one with the best dynamic response for both nonlinear controls was PSIM. Moreover, it is easier to use for someone who has never worked with a simulation environment. The main objective of this research was to compare simulation software and find the most suitable environment for evaluating and implementing nonlinear control with regard to power electronic converter applications.
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