Caracterización del modelo de circuito de reactores de derivación utilizando un modelo de programación no lineal

This research presents the development of an optimization model to estimate parameters for reactive power compensators in medium voltage networks using reactors. The proposed mathematical modeling belongs to the family of nonlinear programming models. The proposed mathematical model considers multiple measures regarding applied voltage in terminals of the reactor as well as data regarding active and reactive power behavior and input current. The objective function considered corresponded to the minimization of the mean square error between the measured and calculated variables. To solve the proposed optimization model is employed the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) software. Numerical results in two reactors' with nominal compensation capabilities of about 2~Mvar and 6.75~Mvar, operated with 13, and 25~kV, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimization model to characterize the electrical circuit of these compensation devices. Different nonlinear programming algorithms available in GAMS were employed in the solution of the proposed optimization model with objective functions lower than $1\times10^{-10}$, which confirms that the measured and calculated variables have the same numerical behavior, which allows concluding that the characterized circuit reflects the expected electrical behavior of the reactors under different voltage input.
Palabras clave
Medium-voltage distribution networks, reactors, circuit model characterization, parameter estimation, nonlinear programming model, GAMS software
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