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Algorithmic as a theotechnique


The algorithm is a central element for understanding contemporary society. Beyond its technical meaning, it highlights its ghostly place in public discourse, by naming efficient automatisms that reinforce inequality and discrimination based on race, gender and social class. An ambivalent interplay of efficiency and reinforcement of the unjust social order, of technological transparency and opacity, shows it as a theotechnique. It is a dramaturgical device of narratives and images that is justified by the effectiveness of its technical action and is therefore seen as objective and neutral. This device implies a series of strategies that are analyzed in the article: the promotion of an invisible efficiency, the installation of interfaces that connect with the operational; the extractivism of behaviors and data; human and machinic biases. Theotechnique refers to the algorithmic as the subject of these social strategies that name the epistemological difficulty for a fair and egalitarian political stance.


Algorithm, beliefs, imaginary, biases, data extractivism

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