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Technique, communication and subjectivity. On Marshall McLuhan and Régis Debray


The article aims to analyze the relationship between technique and subjectivity, based on the work of two authors who emphasize the communication processes inherent in this relationship. It identifies some common traits in their thinking while highlighting their differences. The concept of “medium” in Marshall McLuhan, understood as a constitutive agent of subjectivity, is discussed. The article also addresses certain aspects of Régis Debray’s mediology in relation to the issue at hand and reviews the criticisms he directs at McLuhan from the notion of “transmission”. This critique is examined and the common aspects of their works, which in this article are more relevant than their differences, are highlighted, especially in the light of Jean Baudrillard’s observations on communication as a fundamental realization of contemporary technique and subjectivity.


technology, social media, culture, communication history

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